Chapter #1 (Group 3)

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Maxwell, Thursday morning

I woke up to another roommate pushing my shoulder side to side until I opened my eyes and waved his hands away. He left me alone until I got up to get dressed, fed my pet ferret (even though their not aloud in Hogwarts) and got ready to leave to eat breakfast. I put on my yellow and black robes, slung my bag with most of my books in it over my shoulder, and followed the other boys out of the common room to the kitchen and into the dining room.

I tried to find Logan, over everybody else's heads, my great friend and my girl friend. She's in Ravenclaw, so she might not be here yet. I started to eat anyways still waiting for Logan so I don't have to be so lonely at this really long table. I didn't feel like I belonged at the Hufflepuff table anyways. Normally I would sit at the Ravenclaw table with her, ignoring what the other students told me, to go back to my own table.

I couldn't find her the entire time while eating and it was already time to go to my first class, transfiguration. I might as well find Alan anyways, he's another fourth year that I met the first time I rode the Hogwarts express before my first year. It was the same with Logan.

Alan doesn't have any siblings, lucky for him. I have a younger brother named Roy, I might've seen him this morning too at breakfast, but he's in Slytherin with Alan. He tells me sometimes of how late he stays up and loud he could be in his dorm room with everybody else in there. This is Roy's first year too and everybody can already figure him out like a calendar in the first two months.

I brushed my hair out of my face and hurried down hallways and corridors until I got to the Transfiguration classroom. I saw Alan and sat beside him acting like I was the most innocent student in the classroom. I got my book out and joined the class, having to ask what page we were on. Logan wasn't here yet though. I got a bit worried and tugged at Alan's robe sleeve.

"Where's Logan!?" I asked in a whisper. Acting like I was reading but was really shaking with anxiety and looking around the room.

"I don't know dude, I was just looking for her during breakfast." He explained in my ear while still looking at his book. "She could be in the library again studying too late and fell asleep."

I remembered when I had to go into the library to find her laying on one of the tables, her face in a textbook, far from what we were reading in classes. I try to tell her to get some sleep or at least just read in her dorm or in the Ravenclaw common room. I had often done the same thing with Braylon, a third year Hufflepuff that needed some help in Potions.

Braylon plays quidditch as one of the chasers, and is very good at it with respect from most of the Hufflepuff team. Even if he's only a third year he's pretty still strong. 

I continued to read the book in front of me, it telling me how to change an animal into dice and cups and stuff. I wasn't even interested in turning anything alive into an inanimate object. I can only imagine what that would be like.

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and closing behind me. I looked behind me and saw the pale, white messy haired girl I've worried over all morning, Logan!

She hurried over to the desk behind me and Alan with nobody else in it and sat down, getting her book and wand out.

"It's page 311" I quickly said to her before she sat down. She smiled and said a quiet thank you and started to flip through the pages. I smiled at her and went back to reading my own book. I had always forgiven her for falling asleep in the library and getting into class late once again. Though I knew one day she'll get in big trouble for being late one to many times.

After practicing another spell on how to change a mouse into something it's not, class ended and everyone filed out of the classroom to their next class, it was Thursday today so we don't have anywhere to go until fourth hour. Until then we'll probably just walk to the next class and wait or read.

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