Story #17 (Group 1) Scott

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Pierce's Pov:

I woke up the next day, after meeting my new room mate and moving in. I rolled off my bed, tangled in my thin sheets and groaned. It was still summer so we don't have to started school for another 2 weeks.

I untangled myself and looked up at my roommate Scott. He was in the other room and didn't have a darn shirt on. But that's not why I was staring.

Throughout my time with weird and strange piercings, I've never seen anything like what was on Scott's back. I've seen things through people's mouth, tongue, and even cheeks! But this, this has never been seen by me in person!

I got up (he still had PJ pants on don't worry) and walked into the kitchen where he was. I decided to get a better look at it but ended up startling him since I was still a little clumsy from sleeping in.

Scott had already made breakfast but decided not to wake me up yet. I got some grits and sausage and then decided to ask about his back.

"Hey, I noticed your piercings, on your back. How did you come up with that and how do take them out?" I asked, I've never seen a freaking corset pierced into a back before and neither have I ever dreamed of getting a piercing(s) that many at a time.

He laughed "First of all, I don't take them out. Second, I saw pictures online and I thought it was pretty cool." Scott explained as he leaned against the counter. I was pretty surprised that he didn't take the many rings out to clean them every once in a while. "Have you never seen this type of piercing before? I mean, this one if pretty small compared to others." he asked.

I shook my head and he pulled his phone from his back pocket and started to type something in. He then showed me a google images search for "back corset piercings" I took it from his hand to scroll down to see all the hoops and silk like ribbons crossed over in strange and painful looking patterns.

Though, I remember Scott not having as many as I've been seeing here, I mean a lot less.

"You want to see it again?" he asked as I looked up from his phone.

"I know it's not as impressive as those, but I'm still proud of my smaller one. I just thought the bigger, more complex ones would hurt more." I thought about that, and I guess it does makes since. I nodded again, still a little shocked about all this.

He turned around and I have to admit, I stared for quite a bit. I set my bowl down a bit and started to feel the hoops and the skin around them. I could tell they needed to be cleaned, dirt and other ugly stuff had gathered around the under-side.

"Hey, I can clean these if you want." I remembered the cleaning solution I shared with Rickie since his first ear ring (what great memories!) and he was kinda sad that i had to take it with me to college and he now had to get his own. I still had half the bottle left to use before I ran out so I had plenty to share.

"Ya, to be honest, that would probably be for the best." He said as he turned back around to me as I walked back to our room to my bag to pull out the bottle of earring cleaner I got pretty cheap at Claire's.

We sat down on my bed, him facing away from me to show his back to me. I also had a wet cloth for the skin since apparently the skin around the piercing should be cleaned as well.

I started to pull out the eight rings from my roommate's back, each one was silver and nasty around the clip part. "How long have you had these?" I asked as I put a bit of the liquid on a cotton ball. "I got them right before college started, so about a year ago." I started cleaning the first hoop.

He didn't have any ribbon or anything like that around the hoops so I didn't have to worry about that. "Do you use a ribbon with these, at any time at all" I asked while taking the next piece of jewelry. "Nah, only for special occasions" he responded.

I started to wonder what he ment by special occasions. I probably knew what it ment, but I was too tired to know what anything ment at the time, plus he was working on these hooped ring things

After I cleaned all eight rings I told Scott I was putting them back in. He stayed still for longer as I gently slid them back in place. The moment I put them back in Scott sat up and went back to his bed and laid down on his chest with his head turned to me.

I turned my body with my legs over the bed side. I watched as he closed his eyes and seemed as if trying to fall asleep. He started to mouth lyrics to a song I couldn't recognize, and though I couldn't hear what he was actually saying I somehow knew it was a song.

"What song is that?" I asked in a low voice. He opened his eyes again and stopped with his quiet lip singing.

"How do you know if it is a song? I'm not singing nor really speaking at all." He explained and started to push himself off the blankets and sat up normal.

I did not know how to react. I stammered while speaking. "Well, I just feel like I've heard a song of those words, but I can't put my finger on it."

Scott stopped and looked around the room and finally back to me. He looked in thought and said "I sorta forgot the name of it, but I do know some of the lyrics." He looked around again, trying to delay the inevitable.

I couldn't help but smile and ask "Well can you sing the parts you know, I might remember it then." He blushed and looked down.

"I can't sing, plus I know it's one of those songs where it's really weird without the music behind it. Also the words are kinda shifted so it goes perfectly with the music and remixes behind that too." He tried to explain.

Though I knew exactly what he was talking about, I pretended not to to try and see him sing a bit, even if it's horrible like he says.

"I don't think I know what your talking about. I still kinda want to hear you sing a bit."

He looked back up at me and smiled a bit, giggling a bit under his breath. "Fine, but I warned you, I'm bad." and so he started with a bit of the parts he knew and stopping when he forgot the rest.

cue "It's Murder" By Mayhem (but only a few of the lines with Scott trying to hum the beat but still failing)

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