Poems of my Mind

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Smells like

clams, salt, chips and parasols.

Seaweed, moss, damp and ice creams

melting over sun-cream hands.

Rock, rocks, ribbons on kites,

egg sandwiches and wind-whipped dunes -

preferably not together.

It's the smell of childhood and old age;

sat on benches with battered fish.

It's the metal tang of spare change

and merry-go-rounds at funfairs.

Crab claws and fossil finds -

the smell of adventure;

Running wild.

Boats with weathered masts held high.

The smell of the wind

that carried them by

the seagulls and lost skull

and crossbones beneath the waves;

men with metal detectors

searching far for their remains.

Sandcastles, stone castles, storms and surfboards.

The seaside smells of all this

and more.

Poems of my MindWhere stories live. Discover now