Chapter Thirty seven

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Chapter Thirty Seven

"What's going on?" Jennifer asked as soon as I shut the door behind us.

Daniel posted a haters of Sadie blog and even photoshopped some things." I said to her.

Jennifer gasped.

"Oh my gosh! I forgot to untag myself." I said.

So I pulled out my phone,went to facebook and and untagged myself.

"So where to first Daniels or Jeremy's?" Jennifer askd me.

"Jeremy's." I said and pulled her next door.

I knocked on the door and waited.

Jeremy's mom answereed.

"Hello ladies how are you?" she asked.

I forced a smile.

"We're fine. Can we speak to jeremy?" I asked her.

"Sure. Come on in. He's in the den." she said and she hugged us and went upstairs.

Jennifer and I walked into their den.

Jeremy turned around.

"Hey babe and babe's sister." he said.

"Well daniel didn't just tell his parents." I said.

"Who did he tell?" Jeremy asked.

"Pratically everyone. He made a hating on me blog. Even photoshopped some things." I said.

"Oh my." said Daniel.

"I still can't believe you recorded my sister without telling her. That's too crazy to wrap my head around." said Jennifer.

"I got something for you Jenny. I'll be right back." said Jeremy and he ran out of the room.

I sighed.

I wanted the three of us to go to Daniel's and give him a piece of our mind.

Jeremy came back holding a little red velvet box.

"I know that's not a diamond." I said.

"Actually is is." said Jeremy

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