The mysterious Mr. Blake

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Désirée POV

I am in my office waiting for the next teenager to come in and talk.Brian Keth, his both parents were cops and got killed while on duty.As he had no one and was still under aged, he was placed her in StMary house, it is like a hostel for police officers' children if they don't have anyone. I am a shrink and I make sure the children here are well taken care of. While I was lost in my thoughts Mrs. Sapphire came into my office a bit flushed. Hmmm... I wonder what's going on?

"Désirée thank God you're still here, I need to tell you something."

You see, Mrs. Sapphire is the head of this hostel, she is convinced that I am also her shrink, she feels the need to talk to me about everything.I am her ''gossip buddy'' as well.

"Can it wait, I'm expecting Brian anytime" I said, hoping she willgo away; I hate when she gossips with me, I feel cheap while listening, even though I never comment or answer I still feel like even listening to it is wrong.

"No, no it can't wait, she answered while throwing herself on the couch reserved for my patients. You won't believe what just happened.Mr. Arson Blake, he wants his son to come and stay here for a week. Isn't it unbelievable, he said he wants his son to understand the importance of police force and how difficult it can be for those who have lost their parents. So he is sending his one and only son here before he hands over his company to him in two weeks time."

"Mr. Blake like in Blake construction? Like the Billionaire? who is one of our most important trustee?"

"Yes, yes and yes. See even you can't believe it."

"Why is he sending his son? I mean his son will be looking after the company so why send him here for a week, we don't do anything that will help him in future?"

"Well I didn't ask, but from what I gathered, his son is a spoil brat and as he is 32 now, Mr. Blake wants him to understand how lucky he is to have everything so he will continue the balanced established by his father: you work for money but you also share it with those who have less or nothing.

"Oh My God, well we are certainly going to have an interesting week"

"I know right, oh one last thing his fate will be in your hands"she said while picking a candy from the jar that is also reserved for my students. She seriously has to stop believing that she is one of my patients. 

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Mr. Blake wants a full report about his son's behavior and progress, changes that you might see in him, as you are the  shrink he wants to read your observations. I think Robert may have recommended you. Sometimes I feel like Robert is your father not one of your father's friends. Geez you have like two fathers and two brothers,four overprotective men in your life. Damn I wonder how can you live like that. It is literary a miracle they let you have your own place.Any way, I think since the last case, your reputation has echoed everywhere."

The last case was a very difficult one, sometimes I work with the police on cases and last time, I dealt with a teenager boy who sold drugs to his classmates, no body could make him talk so Robert called me. He always said I have this vibe that makes everyone feel comfortable. So I went there and talked to him, I started with simple things and he finally opened up. He told me how his mother was fighting cancer and the hospital bills were endless and as he could not find a job even though he tried everywhere, he finally accepted a dealer's offer to sell drugs. I was able to help him get clear as he was a minor and a victim of the circumstances. Even though he lost his mother in the process he is now studying medical free charges as the police department decided to finance his studies. It was two years ago it shook me so badly that I refused to work on any other case with them afterwards. Now Robert is sending this guy. Wait what's his name?

"What's his name?" I asked

"Eric John Blake" Lily answered

"I ve never heard of him, how come?"

"Maybe because you don't mingle enough? You're 30 come one, when I was your age I partied all the time after work, and you spend your time here helping these children. Live a little, would you? Or maybe because he has been living abroad since he is 18 that's why no one knows anything about him"

"Yeah yeah just so you know I am going out party tonight with Elena"

"My baby has finally grown up, she is going out party a Friday night!" Lily exclaimed and wiped a fake tear from the corner of her eye. DRAMA QUEEN.

"Whatever, I think Brian ditched me again so I am leaving now"

"In other words you're kicking me out?"

"You're so smart Lily, I see you on Monday"

 "Yeah see you have fun and remember I'm still your boss" and Lily ran out of my door like a tornado.  

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