Chapter 14: Bad Blood

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The next morning I waited for him on the table with a big breakfast, the thing is it's the only meal of the day that I like to eat a lot I might add.  He looked surprised but then grumbled a 'morning'

"you don't look happy to see me?"

"you will be the death of me"

"ah mister grumpy didn't get any? I feel bad for you"

"how long this stupid charade of separate will continue?"

"as long as you behave like my principal and not a decent  boyfriend"

"I like control"

"does it look like I care?"

"fine you can have whatever you want as long as it's safe"

"I've got two overprotective brothers and a father and a father's friend now you, do I look like a fragile flower to all of you? I rented a flat because I wanted to get away from them and now you have come in the picture, why life is so cruel with me?"

"are you done drama queen? You should be happy that people care for you"

"there is a difference between caring and annoying and guess in which category you are"

"fine, you can do whatever you want but you have to keep abody guard with you"


"yes or I lock you up here"

"you can't"

"Peter agrees with me that the hostel is not safe and that you work far too much for our liking so choose"

"fine I'll have a bodyguard, why don't you have any"

"I can defend myself honey, stop worrying about me, now your hostel thing, you have this week off because everyone is settling down in the hostel so I have something else in mind for you"

"Of course you do and let me guess it has something to do with us and a bed?"

"No even though I don't mind, but how about you work for me this week, you will receive only a few of my employees and give a report by the end of the week. I'm not sure but I feel like someone is betraying us and as I have seen you know right away when someone lies I would like your help"

"how do you know that"

"I have observed you for a week, I know a lot"

"just like I know you had someone following me the whole last week"

"I beg your pardon"

"don't beg you won't have any, and next time ask your men to atleast change the car in which they sit while gawking at me"

"you are smart"

"no shit Sherlock"

"let's get ready and go to work, we both have a long week ahead, can I hope to sleep with you tonight?"

"no, not until you change your disciplinarian behavior"

"oh come on"

"no" and I left him to get ready in my room.

I picked up a tight outfit yet professional when decided to wear my contacts and not glasses and put some make up on. When I got to the living room I heard Eric talking to some, more like yelling at someone.

"I don't care I'll be there in 45 minutes maximum and it better be ready by then or you can kiss your job goodbye" and hung up.

"is everything okay?" I asked. He turned to me and scanned my body with lust.

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