Chapter 12: a week without you is like a year without rain

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Désirée P O V 

I hate Monday like really hate it but today I am in a mood, I don't know why. Actually I do, I haven't got any text from Eric I'm used to of his good morning texts and today nothing. Lilian keeps talking about her first boyfriend who broke up with her because she talks far too much. Her problem is since she was an only child her parents gave her a lot of attention so after their death she has developed the need to express every single thing that comes in her mind. In simple words by talking she let go of her frustration. I know she hides her real feelings behind all this chatting. After her I had two meetings that ended around 8 pm. I was beyond exhausted, when I arrived home I felt lonely I mean I'm often alone here but there is something weird about today.  Suddenly my  phone rang and the name control freak was flashing. Ah now mister remembers me!


"Hello thank God you picked up, it has been crazy since this morning, everyone came to congratulate me on my new post I did have any time to even message you"

"it's okay"

"no it's not, but unfortunately I can't make it up to you now, I am super busy this whole week as my father is determined to teach every single thing"

"it's alright, no worries"

"I miss you Doll" I miss you too

"you sound tired"

"I am and I still have two meetings here to attend, I call you once free"

"okay bye"


No flirting, waouh only one day he was taken over and he has already changed. I was right once I'll be out of his sight I'll be out of his mind, his attraction to me was temporary. Suddenly I felt like crying and that's what I did. It feels like a break up which is ridiculous as we were never together. I hate being away from him but I have to accept the fact that he won't be around and I got bigger project to concentrate on. But just tonight I'll allow mysel fto be weak and cry all my emotions out just tonight I'll allow myself to love him.

I cried myself to sleep and the two days were not any better, no messages no calls from him and I miss him like crazy. Instead of crying and feeling like a zombie I busied myself with work. I have been in contact with a few colleges of South Africa and they have some excellent students who want to come in New York for their studies. However, it is not that easy as the migration policies change all the time and often not in their favor. So I am trying to build a system here by which those who would come here would get financial aids until they can work. Yes, it is ambitious but if we want an educated generation we have to spend on it. Nowadays, I come back home late and leave early, I've got a lot of meetings and thank God otherwise I would have been crying all the time. Peter called on Friday and I told him that we have broken up, as he was sure we were together.  He said that it was too bad as he liked the guy. I was about to go to sleep when someone knocked at my door like a crazy man.  When I opened it, the devil himself was in front of me completely wet because of the rain and very angry.

"Who said we have broken up?"

"Eric what are you doing here?"

"I asked you a question, who fucking said we have broken up?"

"come in you'll get sick" he took me by surprise when he crashed his lips on mine and damn I missed him so fucking much. He walked us to my room where we spent the night,  I don't even remember when I passed out, but the next morning when I felt hand on my cheeks and then a demanding voice close to my ear asking me to open my eyes for him I couldn't because my whole body was still exhausted. So I kept them close and went back to bed, the next time my eyes opened I could smell french toasts. I got to the kitchen and saw Eric setting the table his back to me.

"are you gonna stand here gawking" he said

"of course the sight of you only in boxers is great after all"

"my wild cat is back"

"wild cat?"

"yeah you're my wild cat, you always have an answer for everything"

When he turned around he scanned my body.

"I like when you wear my clothes, from now on every time we are together alone you're wearing my clothes"

I laughed my pervert is back.

Eric P O V

This week has been hell for me, I was constantly running back and forth and not to mention I was finding a way to bring Désirée close to me. So I figured that I would give her some space so she misses me and call me or messages me but she never did. When I landed in New York after 2 days of business trip to Florida I received a text from Peter.

"I heard you guys have broken up the next time I see you I'll break your nose fucker"

Désirée and Peter sure share the same genes. But when I read the text I saw red and came to her apartment. When she opened the door she looked so tired and sad that all I wanted was to comfort her and the only way I knew was to spend the night with her and I did. When I woke up in the morning I had an amazing idea, I first tortured her to give me whatever I want and she agreed now here I was sitting across her ready to play the card she has herself given to me.

"I want something from you"

"I thought my company was enough I see it's not the case"

"Oh no worries I'm planning on having your company a lot, but no it's not what I meant, I want something else"


"Be my girlfriend"


"Don't you 'what' me, you said I could have whatever I wanted if I let you get off so that's what I want, I want you"

"As always you're ordering not asking, it's annoying as fuck, do you know that?"

"Fine, Miss Désirée Levent will you be my girlfriend?"

"OMG, I'm so blushing right now that I can't talk so I can't answer right now"

"Doll" I warned her

"Fine, yes mister control freak I'll be your girl, now let me eat"

"eat up, you're too skinny for my liking"

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