chapter 5: Sit and talk or get out!

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Eric P O V

I dragged her I needed my release I've been fantasizing about her whole day. When I saw her talking to the children I realized that she is a complete different person at work. She was wearing very lose clothes not like this short tight blue dress I tore on Friday night. She has her glasses on and I swore that I am gonna have her while she wears these glasses. Once I have closed her door I turned around with the intention to get laid. But once again she surprised me, she threw a glass of water on my face.

"What the fuck?"

"Hopefully that would be enough to calm down your horniness"

"What's wrong with you" I yelled

"What's wrong with me? You've been throwing dirty remarks on me and what's wrong with me? What we had was an one night stand, the definition is in the expression you moron. I am not sleep with you again!"

She looks so lovely all work out, but I need to teach her a lesson. No one talks to me like this and gets away.

"Fine, but let's have a deal, my father won't let me take over the company unless you give a good review and for this whole week I can't use my credit cards which means no parties for me. So for this week we fuck and then we are over, what do you say?"

"I say I'm not an escort, you fucker"

"Ah Miss. Levent you're a challenging little thing, bad news for you, my eyes and mind are set on your amazing back so I want a piece of it"

"This is sexual harassment, I can press charges against you"

"you can but you won't because it's a win-win situation we both know working with these kids is not easy you got to hear their heavy stories and that's why you feel the need to have one night stands so you can let go of the heat"

"Oh My God you sound pathetic and I don't sleep with people with whom I work so either you sit and talk or you get out, don't forget daddy dearest wants my review" She answered. Okay she is a tough cookie and I love cookies, bring it on Doll.

"Very well but if you ever change your mind..."

"Finish this sentence and I give such a good review that the company you'd have left would be of your pet". Feisty aren't we.

"Fine, what do you want to know" I said while laying down on the couch where I almost had her this morning.

"Start with you childhood let's see what's wrong with this pretty little head of yours"

"Did you just call me pretty?"

"I was an insult, take it no charges"

We talked well I mostly talked, I told her about my childhood, my friends, my hobbits, hobbies... I didn't talk about my sister's death or how I mourned her. It is still a touchy subject for me.

"You realized that you feel the need to change all the time? Your friends, habits, hobbies even your pets, it's like you can't committe to one thing? It seems like you have created a wall around you. Also you like to have everything under your control, life is unpredictable you might not always be able to have the upperhand all the time".

"In business no one is honest, so yes I have learnt very young to keep everything for myself"

"I see"

"Your turn, I told you a lot about me but you haven't said anything about you"

"Mister Blake I.."

"Mister Blake not an hour ago you called me "fucker" make up your mind Doll"

"Don't call me that"

"What it reminds you of the time when you were suck me off, my offer is still open.."

"As I was saying your childhood shows why you do not want to committee and I think your father might have sensed the same thing that is why he isn't trusting you with the company. We are done for today you might leave" Is she kicking me out? Doesn't she know who I am? Damn no one has very kicked me out.

"I need to work on my inability to stay unchanged"

"Yes you do"

"Would you help me"

"That's my job"

"Sleep with for a week"

"What the fuck"

"What? You said I need stability, if I can stick to you for a week, it will prove I can committee"

"The answer is NO get that in your thick skull, get out"

Désirée POV

 Once the door closed, l laughed I swear that idiot is out of his mind. I agree he is a fine fuck but I am not an escort and he is my patient at least for a week and after that I won't see him. It is true that working her is not easy, children tell you their stories and it can be very stressful. Helping people to mourn their parents and keep going with life is not so easy. Eric might me right I only do one night stands because I need to get out the heat. Damn that guy is messing with my head.

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