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When I woke up, Josh was still next to me, his silver hair all messed up. I slowly got out of bed and trailed into my walk in closet, to get dressed.

 I slowly got out of bed and trailed into my walk in closet, to get dressed

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I wrote a note saying:
Hey Jish, I've gone to a frens house. Love from Y/N/N (nickname). I unlocked the door and ran out to my car. I unlocked the door, got in and set up my AUX cord. I shuffled my playlist and the first thing to play was I write sins not tragedies. A banger. I drove the long empty streets of LA, trying to remember which house was Louise's. (This is Louise Pentland btw 😁) I then remember and parked up. I got out and knocked on the door. Darcy opened it. "Hi Y/N!" She cheered. "Hi Darcy!" I said, picking her up and hugging her. "Hey Y/N!" I heard Louise call from the upstairs landing. "Hi Louise!" I called back. Darcy took my hand and led me into the lounge, where she had various toys and books scattered around the floor. Louise came running down the stairs. "Okay, I'm going now. Darcy, be good for Y/N." she said, hugging Darcy. "Bye Y/N, thank you for doing this." She added. "No problem, now go and enjoy yourself." I said with a smile. "Bye Darcy, bye Y/N!" She called, and then shut the door. (I see you referencing, stop it). "Okay Darcy, what do you want to do?" I asked her. "Can we go to the park?" She asked excitedly. "Of course, go get your shoes on, while I go call Josh." I explained. "Okay." She replied. I opened up the phone app. I tapped on Josh.

Beep beep. Beep be- "hello?" I heard a morning voiced Josh say. "Hi Joshy! Did you read my note?" I asked. "No..." he replied. "Oh, well I'm at Louise's, okay?" I said. "Okay, well I need to go to class now, bye Y/N/N!" He said, then hung up. Darcy was waiting by the door. I got her seat ready in the car and we set off to the big park in town.

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