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Walking down the street with Josh, I see something. I see my ex, Lucas. He was probably the worst person ever. He hit me if I made a mistake. He slapped me if I forgot the tiniest bit of sauce on his food. He beat me at any chance he could. I avoided him at any cost. "Josh. Josh. Josh!" I whisper-shouted. "Yeah?" He whisper-shouted back. "My ex is over there. We have... well let's say when I ran away, I had an excessive amount of bruises." I whispered, fear filling my voice. Josh nodded and turned to look at something in a shop window. Lucas approached me. "Y/N. Long time, no see, huh? Let's change that." He said, grabbing my arm and pulling me across the empty street. "JOSH! HELP!" I screamed. He looked over and anger took over his face. "Let go of my girlfriend!" He yelled. "No! She's mine, pretty boy!" He snarled back. Josh pinned his arms back and kicked him in the balls. "Can I have her back now?" He asked politely. "Fine, but I will find you Y/N. And you will be mine." He said, an evil grin spreading over his face. We ran back home, Josh gripping my hand tightly. Every few seconds, I would look behind. Just in case. When we got home, I flopped on my couch. Tyler walked through the door. "Hey." He said. "Hi." Josh said. "What ya doin, Tyjo?" I asked. "Not much. What about you, Y/N/N?" He asked. "Not much, just hiding from my crazy, abusive ex." I said nonchalantly.

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