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When we got home, the house was silent. I crept into the lounge and saw Dan, Phil, Brendon and Tyler all really pale and serious. "Salutations." Josh said, breaking the eerie silence. They all looked up and they looked relieved. "Thank god you guys are okay!" Brendon yelled, wrapping us in a hug. "We were so freaking scared." Tyler added. "Sorry." I mumbled. More silence. "So, do you want to do something? While Brendon, Josh, Tyler and Phil are at a class?" Dan asked. "Sure." I said. I left to go get a shower. I got out the shower and then got dressed.

 I got out the shower and then got dressed

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I walked down the stairs. Dan was waiting at the bottom. "Starbucks?" He asked. "Sure." I replied. We left the house. A few girls were looking at us with excitement. They ran over. "Hi! You're Dan Howell!" One with freckled cheeks exclaimed. "Yeah!" He replied. "Can we get a photo?" "Sure!"
We snapped a picture and another girl asked, "is she your girlfriend?" I shook my head. "No, I have a boyfriend, you may have heard of him. Josh Dun?" I replied. "Ooh, sorry if I made you uncomfortable." She said, a guilt filled look washed over her face. "No, no, you're fine." I said, smiling. "Well, thanks for the pic! Bye!" They exclaimed. We walked back down the road. "I am so awkward, dammit." I whispered to Dan. "Same." He whispered back. We got to Starbucks and ordered.

Time skip brought to you by hello internet

We were sitting on a bench when my phone rang. I chimed in with a haven't you people ever heard of...
"Is that your ringtone?" Dan asked, stifling his laughter. "Well, 16 year old me didn't know I would be in this scenario!" I laughed. I looked at the phone. Joshyy 👽❤️. I pressed the accept button. "Hey Y/N/N. Do you know where Dan is? We need to speak to him. If you send him back here, you can meet Jenna by Starbucks. No questions, just do it." He explained. "Woah, info overload. Okay Joshy, see ya later, potater." I said and hung up. "The guys need to speak to you back at the house. It seemed pretty important, you better go." I said to Dan. "Okay... where are you going?" He asked. "I'm going somewhere with Jenna." I replied, "See ya!" I said running back to Starbucks.

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