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Josh's POV
I watched Y/N attack Lucas. I knew she wouldn't win this. It hurts to see someone you love being attacked. Especially when they've already taken her.

Your POV
My vision blurred and I knew I wasn't safe with Josh anymore. I began to cry when I heard Lucas' rough voice. "Don't cry, you don't want any tear stains for our date." He mocked. "Ugh, you only had me so you could abuse me." I fired back. He rolled his eyes. "That little princess Josh. Ugh, he makes me sick. Wouldn't you rather be with someone actually hot?"

"Ha, take a look in the mirror, Hun. Oh, I'm sorry, did I hurt you too much with my burn?" I cooed. "Stop it Y/N or you'll know what happens." He threatened. "Josh will come. Just you wait, prick." Sorry for the naughty word. I could hear various yells. They sounded familiar? Then it struck me. I could hear the guys. "Oh, look. It's my bros. I can hear them, idiot." I laughed. "Crap. I'm going to find Wrecker. Watch the chick." He grumbled. Once he had stormed out of view, I made a witty comeback. "Well boys, we now have proof that animals, can speak." I joked. The guards looked at me, then over in the distance. When they looked back, their faces softened. "Look. We like you. We don't want you to get hurt again. He's caused you enough pain." He said. "You're just like us. One of his toys. But you're a broken toy, like me." Another one chimed in, revealing a whole group of scars. Suddenly, the guys came zooming through the... wherever I was. "Omg guys. I need to get out." I wailed. "Thank you guys, good luck with Lucas." I whispered to the guards. They nodded. Dan started to untie my rope and I jumped off the chair and hugged them all. "I missed you guys."

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