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When we get back from Starbucks, I begin to think. I really wanted to start a YouTube channel. I decide to ask Dan and Phil about it. "Dan! Phil! Come here!" I yelled down the stairs. I hear footsteps along the landing. "Yeah?" Phil said. "I want to start a YouTube channel." I explained. "Oh, ok. Think of a name, then start on your first video. We can help if you want." Dan said. I thought of a name. What about Y/Y/N your YouTube name? "How about Y/N/N?" I asked. "Yeah, sounds great." Dan said. "Why don't you guys be in my first video?" I asked. "Okay!"

"Hello, my friends, your eyes look nice. If you don't have eyes, please consult a doctor immediately. I am here with two of my favourite dorkasaurs, Dan and Phil!" I introduced. "Hello internet!" "Hey guys!" "Today we will be doing a Q and A, the questions being from my dorky boyfriend, Jishwa." I laughed. "Here we goooo!" Phil exclaimed. "First question, if you were to only eat one food ever again, what would it be?" I asked. "Probably, Indian food." "PIZZA!" "TACOS!" Josh yelled from downstairs. I laughed. "I would probably eat Y/F/F." I said.

Time skip brought to you by a potato

"Thanks for watching, sub to these dorky guys and see you in the year 2020! Bye!" I yelled, turning the camera off. After recording, I got ready for my date.

I applied the last of my makeup and went to my closet

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I applied the last of my makeup and went to my closet. I had my drawing equipment. I decided to do a little sketch. "Y/N! Time to go!" Josh yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

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