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I walked down the stairs, looking at Josh, who was waiting at the bottom. I smiled. He took my arm and lead me out the door. "Man, I'm damn lucky. An amazing boyfriend and 4 awesome housemates." I thought. "So, we're gonna go to the park because I have a surprise for you." Josh said. "K" I replied.

Time skip brought to you by Josh's sheer existence.

We arrived at the park and I saw an old bunk bed, with cushions and blankets, popcorn and nachos. "Josh!" I squealed and hugged him.

We climbed up the ladder and Josh got out a laptop from his backpack

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We climbed up the ladder and Josh got out a laptop from his backpack. He opened the lid and Y/F/M your fave movie started. I squished into his side, hugging him. "I luv you, Jishwa." I mumbled. "I luv you too, Y/N/N." he mumbled back.

Time skip brought to you by hot topic, my home

I woke up, confused. I was in the park. I then remembered what happened the night before no, you dirty minded critters. Josh was cuddled up against my body, his arm wrapped around my waist. "Joshy, wake up!" I whispered. He opened his eyes slowly. "Morning." He said in his cute morning voice. "Ooh, someone's got adorable morning voice syndrome!" I giggled. I looked of into the distance and saw something. It looked like a little girl? With no parents. "Josh! There's a little kid over there. I think she's lost." I mumbled. He sat up and looked over to her. I started to get up and climb down the ladder. "Come on!" I said loud-quietlyish. ? We got up and ran over to the girl. "Are you lost?" I asked her. She nodded. I looked at Josh. "Come with us, we'll take you to the cafe over there." I explained, pointing to a small cafe. "Well, m-my nana works t-there," she whispered. "Okay." I said, taking her hand.

When we got there, a woman in jeans and a pink shirt was standing in front of the cafe. "Faith!" She called. "That's my nan," the girl said. "Thank you for helping me." "Your welcome" I replied with a smile. Me and Josh began to walk back to the bed. We grabbed our stuff and made our way home afterwards.

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