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You hide in the corner
You don't talk
You try to disappear
You wish you were anywhere but here
Does anyone notice you
You wonder
You hope not
But at the same time alls you need
Is to know someone cares that your alive
You mind your own business
Try to be invisible
Can you get any smaller
You wonder
Can you back up any further
You wonder
Can you leave
Just walk out
Can you go away
You wonder if anyone would notice
Notice if you slipped out the door
You wonder if you have to be seen
You wonder if you have to be heard

Is there a reason why you want to be invisible
You just don't like the attention
But at the same time
That's all you want
You see a friend
What should you do
Do they notice you
You don't want to be seen anyway
You pretend not to notice them
As they walk right past you
Maybe nobody can see you
You wonder if anyone can
If they can
Do they simply not care
Do they know your alive
That your yearning for a friend
Maybe someone will see you
But you hope not
Things seem so much easier
To just be invisible
You think to yourself
Maybe you've gone invisible
Maybe you have disappeared
Maybe just maybe
You'll escape the bullies
With your invisibility
But you seem to be in a spotlight
Whenever they walk by
You can't escape them
All attention turns to you
As the bullies cave in
Laughing surrounds you
Their words echo in your head
As you wish you could just disappear
You want to be noticed
And you want a friend
But is it really worth it
Because the only attention you receive
Is from your bullies
And so you try to blend in
Try to be invisible
But there's others that feel just as you do
All of you
To afraid to take a stand
To afraid to reach out
To afraid to search
Search high and low
For that one person
Who is to afraid to tell you
That they really want to be your friend

There is always at least one person
One person who wants to be your friend
One person who would stand by you
One person that likes you
One person that thinks highly of you
One person that you inspire
One person that cares that your alive

Always remember
There is always someone
Someone maybe too afraid to tell you
That they care

                                                       Kayla Worley

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