You moved on

1 0 0

Just ignore me
Watch me fall
Pretend I don't exist
Pretend you can't see I'm hurting
Hurting from all of this
Well my heart is on fire
And you cover me in gasoline

It seems you have already forgotten
everything you were to me
Now I know I'm nothing to you
But can you pretend to love me
Like you once said you did
Because it hurts knowing you moved on
While I'm broken up over you
It hurts when you pretend I don't exist
And I'm in agony
I see you flashing that God damed smile
That fucking smile
I see you smiling at someone else
And I wish it was me
That smile once made my heart skip a beat
Now it breaks me just a little more
Now seeing you hurts so fucking much
It brings tears to my eyes

Well you could make anyone fall for you
You with that dame smile
It must have worked on me
Because I fell to my knees
Begging you
Love me
But now I see you flashing that same smile
That smile directed to someone else
As you turn your back on me

I saw your smile
And now I wish
I never smiled back
And now I know
I damed myself
By looking in your direction
Now you got me like
Dame dame dame
I was so fucking stupid
I fell for you
You and that fucking smile
I was a fool
And now I'll never love again

                                     Kayla Worley

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