Chapter 5

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I feel bad whenever I remember the things that Intrepid told me. I never felt this kind of feeling since I haven't really done any comforting... until now.

It seems that I just caught myself in a risky moment to comfort her. Honestly, I can feel her pain when I witnessed her crying.

And another thing, she’s a woman. Women are very fragile. Men can handle rough situations without getting uneasiness. We, men, are not really that emotional type compared to women. Well, we do have our emotions but we don’t make it too obvious.

Actually, it’s really hard to comfort women. They are very sensitive. If you have said any offensive terms, they tend to feel hatred to you. It’s a good thing that I didn’t make her angry this time.

"Bro, Im home!" I was yelling at the door. How I wish that door could just swallow me and ba-zumm. Just turn me into a perfect investigator. Huh. Wait a minute... I’m already perfect! Ugh. What’s taking him so long? Don’t tell me he’s on the toilet again.

“Hi bro. I was just fixing the toilet....” he approached me while handing his hands. And its smell just gave me a dose of shit living.

“Uhm... I’m not into shakehands. Can you just put alcohol on your hands? Just to make sure there are no germs living in that.” I suggested to him.

“Uhmmm.... which alcohol? The alcohol which the commercial says, ‘it kills 99% of germs’? or the other alcohol which the commercial says, ‘it kills 99.9% of germs’?

I began to lose my patience.

“Why don’t you cut off your hand with a chainsaw?! so that there’ll be no longer germs?!” I started yelling.

“You know what.... I think I’m gonna do that.” he told me with a smile and he was looking for a chainsaw in a cabinet.

He paused for a minute and looked at me.

“Where can I order a chainsaw? Is it available online?” he asked me.

Can I just send this moron to England? Ehhhhh!

"By the way, how was the day with Intrepid?” he asked while he was searching for chainsaws online.

"Well we had our talk." I answered and I took a bite on an apple.

"Oh... you don't wanna bite that." he said.

"Why not?"

"I just had that apple rubbed on my ass."

"Sht. You're gross man!" I was about to punch his face.

It looks like that he didn't get a single word I've said. The stupidity of that moron!

"Well... I didn't quite get it... but... did Intrepid feel better after you two had a talk?" he was in pokerface.

"Uhm... I don’t know. I don’t know if I made her feel better or I may have indulged her spirit to think more of the tragic moments. I dont know" I replied.

“Wait look, I just found a chainsaw! And it’s on saaaaaaleeeee!” he said while putting his hands up... literally... nah, just kidding, he’s just waving his hands like a retarded idiot.

“Oh wait crap.... noooooo! It’s sold out!” Okay. Confirmed. He’s totally retarded.


I was overwhelmed from what Valiant said to me few minutes ago.

Maybe I should consider that as an inspirational advice so that I wouldn’t get into depression.... but... no.

Whenever I remember the quality time I had with Shawn, it feels like my heart is being ripped apart. I don’t know if there’s still a living piece of my heart. ‘Cause honestly, I want to be numb already!

My whole life revolved around him! And that day.... it just made everything changed.

What will just happen now to the ‘forever’? What will just happen to your promise... that you’ll marry me?

If only love can conquer death... I wouldn’t have any doubts to have a dead groom.

Shawn. I still love you. I really do.

I won't stop until I haven’t found out who is responsible for your death.

Maybe this isn't the sweetest goodbye.... but whatever happens, I still have you in my heart.

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