26 - This is It!

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One week later

Like how it has always been for the past one week, I lazily prepared my school things, my outfit for the day and myself. Good thing that as graduating students, we are not required to wear the school uniform. For some reasons, I wanted to look different than the others. And recently, I have let go of the jolly facade I have been showing all this time. I'm just plain tired of it and decided to change, be it for the better or for the worse.

"Zeessum are you ready? I don't like the breakfast here, let's just eat outside shall we? I miss Aunt's food. When will she come back from the business trip?" As usual, Cris didn't bother to knock on my door. With few steps, she is already behind me, checking my slightly made up face, then helped me with my hairdo. "You look extra today again. Hmmm.. I like this version of you though." She said, placing her index on her chin. "Woman's best revenge is to be beautiful, so they say."

"Just like how you did before.." There was a hint of little sarcasm on my voice. "No doubt. We are cousins.. We are pretty, but our lovelife is a mess."

"No.. My lovelife was a mess. A hopeless obsolete case." She corrected me, putting an emphasis on 'my' and 'was.' "Yours is just passing through a rocky road and it can still be salvaged. Let's just say, it's on the boundary of being repaired and being fully depreciated." Gosh, she's into it again.

"Allright.. I totally understand. Now, will you please stop comparing my lovelife to accounting? It's not a profit and loss thingy." Hitting her with the hair brush I am holding, she opened her mouth ready for a rebuttal but I smashed a dry tissue in it. "I said stop. Don't start so early in the morning." I ended it with a giggle before reaching for her hand then dragging her out of my room. "Your car?"

"No.. I am not in the mood to drive today." She made a puppy face before making me face her. "Just call Sungyeol Oppa over and let him drive us to school." My forehead automatically got crumpled at the mention of his name which earned a chuckle from her. "I was just kidding." She walked away and called for the driver. "Ahjussi!!!"

Though still upset about the cheating thing, I couldn't deny the fact the I am missing that dork, so bad. Everyday for the past week was a struggle, stopping myself from seeing him or answering his calls. I wonder if he have already given up. He haven't called nor texted me 3 days in a row. That bastard!

I gritted my teeth and followed Cris to the gate then waited for our car. "Ahjussi, drop us at the cafe near the school. We'll walk from there after we had our breakfast."

"Okay Young Miss."


"Noona!" Daeyeol was waiting for us at the school gate when we arrived, looking a little down.

"Noona?!" Cris laughed. "Oi.. Your brother-in-law is calling you."

I nudged her arm, secretly telling her not to laugh. "Daeyeol-ah, wae? And please don't call me Noona."

"Why not? You are older than me by 3 months. Besides, you are my Hyung's girl. If not Noona, then 'Chingu?'" Gosh. He really is Sungyeol's brother. He knows his way with words, in a nonsense way.

"Just do whatever you want." I looked at his crumpled hair. "What's with your hair? Need a comb? Bad hair day?"

"The thing is, Hyung is in the hospital right now." His face turned even more sad. "I guess you need to go there. You know the hospital where Sungjong Hyung works right?"

"What?!" Cris blurted out. It's not her usual shocked or surprised reaction but I'm just too worried to care.

I dragged her to the waiting shed then hailed a cab. My nails hurt as I pinch it over and over, my nerves getting to me. "Ahjussi, faster please!"


The taxi isn't even parked properly when I practically jumped from it. Thanks to my balancing skills I didn't land on my butt.

"Hey wait up!" Cris hurriedly handed a bill to the driver and didn't bother to wait for the change. "Aish! Pabo.. I'm wearing high-heeled shoes! I swear I'm gonna kill you if I stumble here." She increased her pace, being careful not to trip.

We are about to ask the receptionist about the room but we saw Sungjong walking in the lobby, he looked worried and in a hurry. He didn't even see us, so we just ran after him while my heartbeat is racing and fingers crossed.

"Sungjong-ah!" Cris called for his name as the gap between us increased, and her feet looked red now. "Guys, slow down jebaaaaal!"

"Zee, Cris!" Luckily Sungjong stopped and waited for us, but his face still looked worried.

"Sungjong-ah, is it very bad?" I almost didn't recognize my own voice as I was able to bring myself to ask.

Sungjong nodded. "Enough to get worried."

I think I lost all of the blood in my body as it felt cold all over. Even taking a step is a struggle to me this time. My body shook as worry overpowered me. "Andwae.. Andwae.."

"Hushh.. It's going to be okay. You don't have to be scared." Cris patted my shoulder then gently caressed my back to give me some strength. "Let's go and see for ourselves."

Counting my steps and with the help of Cris, we followed Sungjong's lead which brought us to the room where I found the others. Sunggyu Oppa is pacing back and forth, his already little eyes have become smaller by half an inch. The usually hyper Dongwoo is seated on the couch, his left arm is rested on Dijah's shoulders while the other is holding her hand. Hoya is continually heaving a deep sigh, making it pop into thin air as he let it out, while Sony is quietly seated on his side with her eyes closed and earbuds plugged in her ears. Woohyun is also seated in the single seated couch, his hands are on his bowed down head, perfectly hiding his disheveled hair. Myungsoo looked like a cat wagging his tail, undecided whether to walk or just sit while Hani's eyes followed him in whatever he does.

My hands on Cris felt tighter and tighter, just like how my chest feels heavier each moment. I prepared myself as I made another turn when I heard a door open..

There he is.. Sungyeol..

And if it is even possible, I think my soul just left my body.


A/N: Hey loves! I know this chap has been long over due. Forgive me for making ya all wait. I just had to do my mommy duties as my son celebrated his birthday just recently.

Thank you for coming this far. That means you are still reading my story. I love you all! Please be patient with me. I'm really having a hard time lately. Kisses!

I couldn't stop myself.. I saw this and became melodramatic. For those who wants to die early, do this.

 For those who wants to die early, do this

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