1 - Underrated (Back-Story)

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"Sungyeol-ssi! Lee Sungyeol!"

I just continued walking despite hearing someone call me.

If I'm not mistaken, she will just ask me to introduce her to my members especially Myungsoo. I am nothing and a nobody if I'm not with the Infinite.

"Oppa! Lee Sungyeol!" She kept on calling me that other students are staring at me now.

I immediately stopped dead on my track, pissed at the kind of look everyone is throwing at me. And then I felt someone bump on my back.

"Ow!" She gasped in pain.

Turning to her while getting myself ready to nag, a crumpled face greeted me. Her forehead has turned red now.

"Yah! How could you stop so sudden?" She is massaging her forehead which have turned violet now. "Do you perhaps store a concrete block in your backpack? I saw stars just a while ago."

I smirked. "A star is right in front of you."

"Where?" She looked around.

Blowing on my bangs, I still managed to hold on to my temper. No one sees me as a star. "Fine. Tell me, whose signature are you going to get now? L? Namu? Hoya?"

"Yours. I need your signature. But who are they? L, Namu and what? Hiya?" She asked, her face tells me she really has no idea who I am talking about.

"Are you serious? You don't know Kim Myungsoo, Nam Woohyun and Lee Howon?" Now, she caught my full attention.

"Ahhh.." She nodded slowly as if finally digesting what I just said. "The weird, the weirder and the weirdest." She said while shrugging her shoulders as if it's the most normal thing in her life.

Meeting the Infinite face to face is a blessing for other girls. But heck! She called my three members like that? Is she insane?

"Yah! Are you an alien perhaps?" I couldn't help but ask. I'm just too curious I couldn't hold it in.

"What? Alien?" She laughed. "I'm not, okay? You guys are the extra-terrestrial beings here. ETs just so full of yourselves."

"What?!" My nose are flaring up. I don't know. My temper has always been like this. "Yah!! You dare say that to me? I'm not going to sign that then."

Her face immediately toned down and her eyes have lost the glare. "But.. I need your signature. Today is my friend's birthday and I really need your signature. And if you are kind enough, can you write a small message too? She is really an Infinite fan."

I shook my head vigorously. "I'm not going to sign that unless you tell me I'm not included in the people you call extra-territorial." I said, feeling the sting of having my words back fire at me.

"Ehhh?" She looked puzzled. "Extra what?!"

"I said I'm not an alien! Errghhhh!"

After absorbing what I said, she burst out laughing. "Extra-terrestrial, not extra-territorial. And fine, you are not an alien."

"Good." I grabbed the folder she is holding and immediately signed the stationery paper in it. "What's her name?"

"Huh?" She seemed stunned.

"I thought you need a fan sign?" I reminded her.

"Ah yeah. Corine.. Her name is Corine." She said while excitedly sticking her nose on the folder.

Her height barely reached my shoulders so I am technically towering over her.

Looking at how she tiptoed to take a look at what I am writing, I am secretly laughing inside. She just looks so funny and practically small. I wonder if her mother's favorite during her pregnancy is Cinderella and the Seven Dwarfs. Or is it Rapunzel and the Seven Dwarfs? Eyyy molla molla!

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