4 - Hi & Hello (Back-Story)

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One week have passed and Sungyeol and Jarel are still hiding their relationship for the main reason that Corine should never know of it. At least for now.

"Hyung, is this supposed to be like this?" Sungyeol is letting out his frustrations about his set-up with Jarel.

"Why? Is it hard?" -Sunggyu

Sungyeol heaved a sigh before nodding. Sunggyu tapped his shoulder but didn't say anything.

"Why do you have to hide it in the first place?" Woohyun asked while playing a ball with his feet.

"You know Corine, her bestfriend, likes me for long. How long has it been again?" Sungyeol crammed his brain on the digits but to no gain.

"If Corine is really her friend, she should understand. Right?" Myungsoo said in a matter-of-factly tone. "Or else, Jarel doesn't love you enough and is just making excuses by using her friend."

"Right." 5 members agreed with Myungsoo, enough to make Sungyeol think more about the situation.

"Well, she was forced into this relationship in the first place." Sungyeol defended his girlfriend.

"Knowing you, you wouldn't date someone who doesn't like you back Yeol-ah. You may be dense and stupid at times, but what's not to like about you?" The know-it-all Hoya commented.

In normal circumstances, his comment would probably end up with hisses and curses from Sungyeol. But he just sighed instead.

Sungjong approached Sungyeol and gave him a brotherly hug. "It's going to be okay Hyung. How about going on a date where you are safe from Corine's eyes?"

"Date?" Sungyeol placed a hand on his chin. "Sounds good."


Jarel fished for her phone from her pocket when she felt it vibrate.

From ET Oppa: Meet me after class. The gadget store 2 blocks away from the school gate.

She kept it again after reading the message because she is currently in a class. And it beeped again after a minute or two.

From ET Oppa: Why are you not answering?

She just smiled and slid it back to her pocket. Then it beeped again.

From ET Oppa: Yah! Are you ignoring me now?

She silently giggled at how childish Sungyeol is but can't do anything about it.

From ET Oppa: I see you are ignoring me. Wait until we see each other. I'll punish you with kisses for each text you ignored.

She hurriedly punched in a reply after reading Sungyeol's last message.

To ET Oppa: Got it. See you later.

From ET Oppa: Good. You owe me three kisses though.


"Jaja!" Corine beamed as she saw her friend came out of the classroom. "Help me buy a present." She clung into her arms which makes it impossible for Jarel to sneak out.

"The thing is.." Jarel started the prelude of her alibi. "The thing is.."

Aish! Why is my mind not working? Jarel mentally slapped herself.

"The thing is, I have a favor asked from her and we have to go somewhere." As if on cue, Sungjong came into the scene. "Corine-ssi, can I borrow your bestfriend?" And he gave her the smile no one can resist.

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