Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 allys pov:

The door opened to reveal...

All of the boys, izzy and her family holding a cake and presents.

What the?

''HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALLY!!'' They all shout, and thats when i remember that today is my birthday... Dont judge okay! I was at my nans funeral and i kind of forgot...

''Um thanks guys, i um i kind of um forgot that today is my birthday..'' I stutter and then we all start laughing.

''Trust ally to forget her birthday'' James says which just makes us laugh even more.

I pick up my suitcase and take it upstairs so i can unpack it later. After, i run back down the stairs to open my presents from everyone.

Jai got me some tye-dye vans, daniel got me a pink hollister top, james got me a basket filled with oreo's and chocolate! Best present yet!

Beau gets me an 'obey' jumper, he also says that he might need to borrow it sometimes which makes everyone laugh again.

Sarah, Michael and Max all get me tickets to see One direction in concert!! AYAYAYAYA!!!

''Thank you thank you thank you!!'' I scream yet again, giving everyone hugs before opening my next presents.

Izzy got me a silver bracelet, she has a matching one, and it is to symbolise our everlasting friendship! Aww thats soo cute!

And lastly Luke got me a necklace, it has a locket in which holds a picture of all of us friends hugging and pulling a silly face.

''Awww luke! I love it! Thank you'' i give him another hug, and then i end up giving everyone more hugs because of how happy i am.

''I love all of you so much! Like you are the best! Thank you for everything!'' I say yet again.


''Ally what are you doing?'' Izzy asks me as i sit down on the sofa. What is she on about?

''Um sitting down?'' I answer her question with a question. Yeah im a smarty pants :p

''No you are not! You need to get ready for your party tonight! Its.. 5:30 now so hurry uo because we are leaving at 7!!'' Izzy pulls me up off the sofa and leads me up to my wardrobe to pick my outfit.

Well that was a surpise!


We ended up picking a peachy dress with a thick belt that has lots of tiny diamonds on it. It comes to about mid-thigh and im wearing it with black platforms. Im turning 18 so what do you expect me to wear? Flats? Haha funny!

''You look... Wow'' izzy says as i grab my clutch bag.

''Aw thanks but you look.. Cray cray! No im only joking! You look stunning as always!'' She playfully hits my arm but then we both start laughing.

Izzy was wearing a baby blue dress that had a long train at the back. If i was being completely honest, i would say that she literally could knock boys dead because she looked BEAUTIFUL!

''Come on, lets get you to your party!'' Izzy squeeled as we went downstairs and got in a taxi she ordered.

It turns out that they had rented a big hall with a bar, DJ and everything! Im so excited!!

''Hey guys! You both look pretty'' James says as he walks over to us.

''Aw thanks, you look good yourself'' i reply for me and izzy.

Over on the dance floor i can see Beau and Skip dancing like nutters and pulling cockatoo faces. Those boys sometimes...

''Oi cockatoo's how are you?!'' Izzy yells as me, her and James walk over to them.

''Great thanks! This party is aweeeesoooomeee!!'' Beau waves his hands in the air, before jumping on Skips back while they run around giving eachother piggy-backs and doing cockatoo faces at everyone.

We all burst out laughing, and then we go to get sone drinks from the bar.

''What would you girls like?'' Luke says as him and Jai appear from the crowd.

''Such a gentleman! Erm could i have a cocktail please? And izzy will have a beer, i can read her like an open book'' i say as she nods eagerly.

James helps the boys carry our drinks over to a small table at the back of the hall.

''So how are you liking your party?'' Jai aske me.

''I love it!! Thank you all again! Its perfect!'' I say with a big grin on my face. I must look like the cat-who-got-the-cream!

''Our pleasure! Anyways would you like to dance?'' Luke asks me.

''Oooo yes please!'' I reply, he takes my hand and leads us to the dance floor where 'talk dirty to me' was playing. All of us have an obsession with this song, and as soon as it came on, everyone ran up to the dance floor and started dancing.

''TALK DIRTY TO ME! Na na na na na na na na na na na talk dirty to me!'' I shout out the words to the song, as i dance just like how the boys do in their 'talk dirty dance' video on youtube.

''I got lipstick stamps on my passport! I think i need a new oooo-oooo-ooonnee!!'' By this point both me and luke are screaming the words and dancing like idiots. But YOLO, right?


''Im just gonna go to the toilet quickly, be back soon!'' I shout over the music to everyone and they all nod.

After doing my 'buisness' i wash my hands and walk out into the little hallway inbetween the hall and the toilets.

Someone comes round the corner, and i quickly walk off. But only to be softly held back by my wrists.

''Ally'' i know that voice from anywhere. I turn around to find luke.

''Luke'' i copy him by name-calling, which makes him chuckle lightly.

''You really do look beautiful tonight'' He says as he slowly takes little steps towards me, which kind of push me against the hallway wall. Oh dam! What is he doing?

''Thank you, you look good too'' i smile as i look him up and down. He was wearing black skinny jeans, and a button up, casual shirt, with black vans. Actually he looks way better than good, he looks freekin hot! But i wont say that to him because you know...

''Ally'' he whispers quietly, and before i know it, his lips are on mine. Softly moving in sync. My stomach errupts with a zoo full of butterflies!

When he finally pulls away, my lips feel cold and i miss him almost immediately.

''Umm.. We better get back to the party'' he scratches the back of his neck awkwardly, and we both walk back to the party.

I just kissed Luke Brooks...

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