Chapter 7

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We are gonna start writing a new janoskians fanfic after we have finished this. Oh and some of our ideas are from our amazing friends Celine and Calice, so a big thank you to them xxxx <3 Hannah & Lola~

Chapter 7 allys pov:

After tidying up the cinnamon packets, milk bottles, mouse traps and all the other rubbish we used; we then head off to the Brooks house for the evening.

''Are you sure your mum wont mind us being round?'' I ask again.

''For the millionth time ally, no! She will enjoy the female company anyway, its always just been us boys which must get really lonely, and we must get on her nerves'' Jai replies.

''Wow bro that was a bit deep'' Daniel sais, giving Jai a slight pat on the shoulder.

''Dont touch me!! Little gremlin, no-one knows where those hands of yours have been!'' Jai shouts while jumping away in disgust. What is his problem? He was only being nice...

''Oh come on man! Your not still hung up on that are you?!'' Daniel says. What the hell is going on?

''Yes i am! You put snot on my doghnut and then watched me eat it!! You didnt even tell me?!'' Jai replies. Ewwww!! That is soo gross! If that was me, Daniel would be begging for forgiveness while i slap him, and rub jam doghnuts in his face, and -

''Oh im really sorry Jai. I actually didnt think it would be this bad'' Daniel interrupts my thoughts, while hanging his head in shame.

''Thats okay, just please dont do it again because next time i might just puke all over you!'' Daniel nods and they both have a 'man hug'.

''Enough with the mushy stuff! What pizza's do you want guys?'' Beau says while opening his front door and walking in.

''Meat feast!!'' Me, James and Luke shout at the same time, which causes all of us to laugh.

''Noooooo!! Pepperoni!!'' Izzy wails, along with Jai and Daniel.

''Um i will just get 2 meat feast and 2 pepperoni then'' Beau scratches the back of his neck in the awkward silence of us giving eachother fake death glares.

''Okay'' we all agree in unison. Beau walks off into the kitchen to order the pizza.


• Ding Dong •

''Pizza's here!!'' Luke shouts and runs off to get the door. He comes back a few minutes later baring 4 boxes of heavenly pizza. I think i just drooled a little...

We all sit down on the sofas with our pizza on our laps.

''Ooo what film should we watch?!'' Izzy squeels excitedly.

''MEAN GIRLS!!!'' Jai, Luke, James and daniel all shout as soon as the words come out of izzys mouth.

''Aww no fair!'' Beau crosses his arms. ''I wanted to watch titanic''

Really?! Are these boys for real? Mean girls and titanic...

''Lets watch mean girls now and then titanic some other time, yh Beau Beau?'' I question with a teasing smile.

''Fine fine'' he replies, unfolding his arms and tucking into his pizza.


You know that moment when there is food left, but you dont want to look like a pig and take it. Yeah well this is one of those moments... Awkwaaaarrd

1 slice left. Just 1 slice. I have only had a slice so it seems fair for me to take it. I reach my hand out to grab it, when suddenly it touches something and i feel a spark of electricity fly up my arm. OMG! DID I JUST GET AN ELECTRIC SHOCK?!

Wtf ally no! Think straight you stupid girl! As i lean back, i realise luke looks. very shocked and somewhat nervous. I wonder whats wrong?


After mean girls was finished, we ended up having a movie night sleepover thing. Basically we watched films all night until like 2 in the morning.

Me and izzy have just finished getting ready for bed, we are sleeping on the couches in the living room. James and Daniel went home, and the others boys are upstairs asleep.

''Goodnight izzy'' i say as i lay my head on the pillow ready to sleep.

''Nah uh! Dont think your wiggling out of this missy!'' She replies. What the?..

''What are you on about?'' I say with a confused pug face.

''You and luke. We all saw you both reach for that pizza, touch hands, and then it was as if some electric current ran through both of you! Haha it was so funny and then you both just sat back down looking petrafied or something'' she says, her hands over her mouth to stop her from laughing.

Wait. So i touched luke. Thats what the electric shock thingy was.

But why did i feel like that when we touched?...

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