Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 allys pov:

''Frickin lump, who does he think he is?!'' I say.

''Ally your still not moaning about him are you? Give up already'' James says to me.

''Ugr fine, so um who wants to go get something to eat? Im starving'' I say, changing the subject.

''MEE!! You dont even need to ask! Im gonna get chippy, who else wants that? Actually no you can get your own! Be back in a minute!'' Skip says very quickly, as he runs off to the fish and chip shop.

Everyone laughs. He is so weird sometimes!

''Okaaaay.. So there is chippy or bacon sandwiches from the cafe? Im gonna get chips, so follow the ally train if you want the same!'' I say, and i walk off to the chippy, moving my arms around like a steam train and making tooting sounds.

Luke and Jai follow me, copying my actions, while the rest walk over to the cafe.

''Hi what ca- hahaha!'' The lady behind the counter starts laughing at our train as we walk through.

''Um please can we have 3 portions of chips?'' I say, and look back to the boys to see if they agree. They both nod excitedly, which makes me chuckle.

''Heeere you go, that will be 7 dollars please?'' She hands me the bag, and i give her the money. ''Thank you, enjoy the rest of your day''

''You too'' I say, smiling before walking off with the boys back to the beach.


''Mmm! Best chips eveerrr!'' Luke says as he licks his fingers from the grease.

''Yes they were!'' I agree, licking my fingers aswell. What?! Im not a girly girl, i got nothing to hide.

''Ewww ally you pig! Where are your manners?'' Jai squeals in a high potched voice, pretending to be a girl.

''Oh shut up'' I playfully hit his arm, and he gives me a glare before we all burst out laughing.

''Im...stuffed'' Skip moans and falls down onto his towel so he is laying down.

''Well im not suprised! You ate 2 whole portions of chips, and then you stole some of my bacon sandwich!'' Izzy says, as she gives him a death-glare.

''But...they were soo good'' He groans.

''Oh my god! Its 3!! We have to get back, me and ally have a photo shoot!'' Izzy panics, and shoves her phone back in her pocket before jumping up and grabbing all of our stuff.

''Oh shit!'' Beau says, as we all get up and jog to the car.

''What if we are late?'' I ask izzy. I cant lose my job, although its only part-time, without my job i would have to go back to England.

''I dont know al, just hurry up beau!'' Izzy says to me and beau, who is driving.

Beau presses down on the accelerator, and we fly past the other cars, until a car pulls out onto us.

''FUCK!'' Beau shouts as he does an emergency break.

''Ass hole!!'' We all shout out of the window to the car, as beau drives off again.


''Why are you late?!'' The manager shouts at us as we walk theough the doors 20 minutes late.

''Mr Benson, were so sorry, we were at the beach and we lost track of time, and then we rushed iver as soon as-'' Izzy starts, but is cut off my the manager.

''I dont want your excuses, go get prepped, your shoot is in 24 minutes and.. 46 seconds! Hurry up'' Mr Benson says to us.

Jeesh this man is too organised! Who really gives a flying monkeys if there are 47 seconds!

''Yes Mr Benson'' Me and Izzy say in sync, you have got to show respect to your manager if you want to keep your job!

We quickly go to our seperate dressing rooms, i change into my outfit which consists of a pink and black bra-let, shiny black high waisted shorts, and pink stillettos (which was what we were modelling for today)

After chucking on my outfit, my stylist Kendra very quickly put on my concealer, bronzer, mascara, light pink lipstick, and does smoky eyes. Then she puts my hair up into a neat bun with a plait around it.

''Done, now quick quick go look in the mirror!'' Kendra leads me to the big mirror.

Wow.. I look... Im not being vain or anything but i really do feel beautiful when i look at myself in the mirror today. I've not got special looks or anything, im average, but i got chosen to be a model because of my posture and my lips. Its stupid to pick a model because of their lips, but oh well.

''Right now its time for your shoot, good luck'' Kendra gives me a slight hug being careful not to ruin my outfit or makeup.

''Thank you Kendra'' I say with a smile, before going to my shoot.


''That was amazing!'' I turn around to see Izzy, she is wearing the same outfit as me but instead of pink she has purple.

''Aww thanks, but really you were much better!'' I say.

''I know'' Izzy says, as she pretends to flick her hair.

I gasp as a joke, and then we both start laughing.

''Ugr these shoes are killing me! Lets get home'' I say, and Izzy nods in agreement.

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