Chapter 11: Wine, Cookies, and New Beginnings

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Chapter 11:

I can see the bridges I burned slowly repairing themselves. I've now been back in the boys house for a week, each day I physically grow stronger. Mentally...well that's debatable.

I groan as I see my mothers name on my caller ID. Me and Brook just got home from my latest appointment with my doctor and physical therapist.

"Hi mom." I say, she called three hours ago too.

"Hello sweetie. I wanted to talk to you really quick."


"Well, I had a thought."

"That doesn't sound good." I say and my dad laughs in the background.

"Oh hush Richard. I was thinking about your future and your schooling dilemma." She says. If she thinks I'm going to take her crap again she's wrong. It's my future, I want it to stay mine.

"So what do you think about school? Any ideas?" My mom asks. She's letting me decide for once, that's good progress.

"Well, Queen Mary's offers a good dance program in London. And they'd take my credits from Juilliard." I say.

"Honey, I just...I don't know if dance is an option anymore." She says very softly. The words sink in and I realize she's right. I won't be dancing for a long time.

"What about January? I could take this semester off." I beg. I need to dance. I have nothing else.

"Well, I suppose applying wouldn't hurt. If you want to do this I support you fully. You know what? I will call Queen Mary's during my lunch break."

"Mom that's amazing of you!" She is being so understanding of this. Our relationship has done a complete 180 since last summer.

"Anything you want, I'll try my hardest to get it for you. I've gotta run to a meeting. I'll call you later!" She says and hangs up.

"What'd she want?" Brooklyn asks behind the wheel. She got her license recently.

"I'm applying for Queen Mary's. In January I'll be back on track." I say relieved. I just want order back in my life. And this time it feels less like an ultimatum. I don't have to say goodbye to anyone.

We get back to the house and Brook collapses onto the couch.

"I'm sleepy." She whines and buries her face into the cushion.

"Louis was just sat there I wouldn't do that." Harry says.

"I live for Louis' ass Harry you know that." She sarcastically replies.

Louis walks back in and sits next to Brook, "That's really creepy."

"Hey Rosaline can we talk?" Harry says as Brook and Louis begin to talk.

He called me by my full name, this is bad.

"Yea, sure." He leads me into a guest bedroom downstairs and shuts the door.

He faces me directly.

"Okay I'm just going to cut to the chase, leave Niall alone." He says in an extremely harsh voice.

"What?" Is all I can manage, I wasn't expecting this.

"I see the way you're playing with his emotions. I don't care if you mean to or not but it needs to stop. He is finally happy after what you did to him. He has moved on and you better let him I swear to god."

"Harry this is-"

"No Rosaline stop. I know you don't like her and that's fucking fine. But she makes him smile again and you have no idea how long he went without smiling. I'm not saying I personally am angry with you. Don't get me wrong I love you. But on Niall's behalf, stay the fuck away. And I mean that in the most caring way possible. I know I'm the bad guy now but I had to say it, I have to look out for him."

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