Chapter 16: Lucky

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Chapter 16:

"Niall." Is all I can get out. I stand like a deer in the headlights in direct line of his death glare. Although, this time it's not directed at me.

I see him clench his fists and begin to walk towards Ben. I scramble in front of him and press my hands to his chest, attempting to stop him.

"No, Niall please don't do this. Please stop Ni, please!" I beg as tears begin to emerge from my eyes. The area where Ben struck me is throbbing and heating up. I can already tell it will bruise.

"Are you kidding me Rosie! Give me one good reason not to kill that guy!" He says, still not looking down at me.

"Because...because I'm asking you not to. Please, I need you to trust me here." I beg.

His eyes look down at me for the first time and he stops fighting against my grip on him.

"How often does he do this?" Niall asks. His voice cracks in the middle like he himself is on the verge of tears.

"Never, not before tonight I swear. And I promise this will be the last time too. He's just really drunk, it's not his fault." I try to sugarcoat this situation.

"Not his fault? Rosie do you even understand what you just said? I mean-" He begins to get angry again so I interrupt him.

"Niall, stop. I'll deal with him, just please don't say anything. Promise you won't." I say and wipe water from my cheeks.

"That's asking a lot from somebody who is about to kill him." He says.

"Please, Ni?" I use his nickname as a final tug on his heart strings in the hopes he will listen to me.

"Fine. But if I ever even suspect that he does it again I'm murdering him." He gives in.

"Thank you Niall. I have to go get him a napkin now. I'll see you later." I rush away from him and grab napkins from the nearest table. I use one to wipe my eyes before I get to Ben.

"Here you go." I say quietly and hand him the stack. I can't look him in the eye.

His hand passes the napkins and instead grabs my hand gently.

"Rosie...I..." He can't seem to get words out and I have nothing to say. We stand in silence until his mind forms a sentence.

"Can we please go outside and talk?" He asks. His voice is soft and timid, I can't help but look up at him for the first time.

I nod once and he begins to lead us into the night air. When we get to a place where we can talk alone he stops walking. I remove my hand from his grip, cross my arms protectively over my chest, and step a few paces away from him.

"I don't even know what to say to you." I muster up the courage to say this after I realize he won't be starting the conversation.

"I know. I just...I don't understand what came over me." He says in a small voice.

"Yeah. Me neither." I reply with ice in my tone.

"Rosaline, please. You know I'd never purposely hurt you." He pleads.

I don't respond.

"You know that don't you?" He asks.

"Yes." I breathe out. It's true though, I'd be stupid to think he would try and hurt me physically.

"And you know it was only the alcohol, right?" He asks another question.

"I know that." Again, he is right.

"And you know I only snapped because you made me upset. You know it was partially because you were clumsy, don't you?" He begins to twist the story in my mind.

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