7. Kidnapped

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Viridi called Violet in and filled her in on the plan. Violet looked doubtful, but she took one look at me and agreed. Violet came over and kissed my forehead. A wave of warmth went through my body.

"Don't worry Pit." she said. "We'll convince Minka to unfreeze your heart."

Viridi had transferred us to her domain. She started a fire and ordered me not leave it. Violet and Hades left. Viridi pulled up a chair and put a viewing fountain between us. She had told me Margret had been taken by Samuel. We watched as Hades and Violet entered the palace of ice. Minka was pacing the room.

"Who are you?" Minka demanded. She sounded scared. Hades opened his mouth, but Violet cut him off.

"Lady Minka," she said. "I am Violet and this is Lord Hades. We are friends of Pit's. You have to come with us."

"I don't have to go anywhere. Now leave." Minka ordered.

"Pit's life is in danger." Violet said.

"What do you mean?" Minka asked.

"It appears," Hades said. "That you've frozen your brother's heart and you're the only one who can reverse it."

"No!" Minka cried. "It's not possible!" She started to cry. "I warned him! I warned him, that he was only making things worse! Now there's nothing I can do. I don't know how to reverse my magic."

"At least come and see what you can do." Violet said.

"No, I can't." Minka said. "When it comes to Pit, I do more harm than good."

"There's also another reason." Violet said. "You're in danger! Samuel's going to kidnap, possibly kill you."

"I deserve it!" Minka said. "I'm a monster! Now leave before I freeze you too."

There was a banging. Samuel appeared. Violet pulled out her dagger, but something knocked it out of her hand. A wave of darkness pinned her and Hades. Minka raised her hand and shot a wave of ice towards Samuel. He dodged and laughed. The same chains that grabbed Lady Palutena, wrapped around Minka's ankles and wrists.

"Well, well, well Snow Princess. Long time no see." he said.

"What do you want Samuel?" Minka demanded.

"It's simple. You." he said. Minka disappeared. "I'll be after you soon enough, little brother."

Viridi was gone. Probably to go attack Samuel. I watched the viewing fountain. Viridi appeared and freed Hades and Violet. The fire in Viridi's domain went out. I turned around. Samuel stood there. Chains of darkness appeared around my wrists and ankles. The temperature was dropping alarmingly fast.

"Hello little brother." he said. "Shocked to see me?" Hades, Viridi, and Violet came in. A wall of darkness blocked them from reaching me. I felt my heart getting colder. The world went black.


~Author's Note~

Cliffhanger! I know, I'm so evil! Do you think Pit's heart will freeze? I love writing this story. This is probably better than my first fan fiction. Disclaimer! Nintendo owns the Kid Icarus characters. I own Violet, Samuel, Minka, and Margret.


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