chapter 33

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I sit up and groan, my head hurts like a bitch. I look over to Nick and he's dead asleep. I can't right now, looking at everything makes my head hurt. I didn't even drink that much.
I yawn and it hurts, I plop down onto the bed and groan.
"Nick, wake up!" I say and slap his back and he groans.

"No, everything hurts. We didn't even drink that much!" He says in his pillow, "We haven't drank in over a year Nick." I say and cover my naked body.
"Do you even remember having sex? I remember half of it." I say and we both laugh, "Yeah I remember most of it." I laugh, "I have to get up and pick up Audrey." I groan and Nick flips over and I put my head on his chest.

"Call Jeremiah and ask if he can stay with her a little longer." Nick suggests and I shake my head, "No its okay. I miss my bebe." I say and then stand up.

I put on a pair of underwear and bra on and slip on some joggers. I slip on a black crop top and a jacket on. I grab some sun glasses and put them on my head.
"I'll be back in two hours, maybe less." I say and Nick nods, "Be safe." I nod and walk out the room and grab my keys from the living room and my phone.

I yawn and then walk out my apartment.


I groan as I get to Jeremiah's mansion, my head still hurts.
I get out my car and walk up to the door and open it, I walk in and close the door behind me and whimper when it closes loudly.
"Emilia? Is that you?" I hear Jeremiah and I walk into the den where Jeremiah is with Audrey.

"Yeah, it's me." I whisper and have my sunglasses on, I sit down on a bean bag chair he has and whimper.
"You okay?" Jeremiah asks and Audrey jumps on me and I groan, "I went out with Nick last night and we drank a few drinks." I say slowly.
"You got wasted?" He laughs, "No I didn't. I only had like for beers and a few shots." I say and hug Audrey and kiss her cheek.
"Then why are you hung over?" Jeremiah asks, "Maybe cause it was the first time I actually drank more than a glass of wine for over a year." I say while Audrey plays with toy cars on me.

"You want some aspirin and water?" I nod and Jeremiah gets up and walks out the den. "How are you bebe? Is your teething getting better?" I ask and she grins at me.

Jeremiah soon comes in and hands me two aspirin pills and I swallow then with water. "Thanks." I say and Audrey lays on me and I smile.
"You're welcome, anything for you." Jeremiah says and I look at him.

"I have to go home, I'll see you in two days." I say and stand up with Audrey in my arms.
"Yeah, see you in two days." He says and I nod, Jeremiah walks us to the front door and we say our good byes and I head to my car.

I'm walking up to my condo and I take out my keys and unlock the door. "Nick! I'm home!" I shout and close the door behind me, owww that was too loud. I say and close the door behind me.
I put Audrey down and she runs to her toys.
Nick walks out the room and I smile at him, "Hey handsome." I say and he chuckles, "Hi beautiful." He hugs me and kisses my cheek.

I've been so happy the past two months with Nick, Jeremiah isn't forcing himself on me and isn't flirting with me anymore. Life has been going good for the first time since Jeremiah came back into my life.

I'm engaged and completely faithful to Nick for the past two months, and I can't be anymore happier.

"Do you want to have a movie night and a home dinner today?" I ask and Nick nods repeatedly, "Hell yeah." I laugh and nod, "Let's get cooking!" Nick says and I chuckle.

We cooked some chicken and broccoli alfredo pasta with some garlic bread on the side. I'm proud of us, and how great our food looks. Nick chose the movie One Day to watch and I have a love-hate relationship with this movie.

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