chapter 25

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Its been a week since we found out about Jeremiah being Audrey's biological father.
When I came home the day I found out, Nick was home with Audrey and he was so happy playing with her.
Audrey, happy that her dada was playing with her. They both were laughing and having a great time.

I hated that I had to ruin it, when we put Audrey down to sleep, we went to the living space and sat down. I was silent for a while but Nick knew.

I told him and he cried, he wasn't ashamed to cry and showed how he felt. Nick soon got it together and smiled. Nick told me that he was still going to be with me and he was still Audrey's dad even if he's not her dad by blood.
We sat in silence for a while again, just holding hands.

Today, Jeremiah called me saying he baby proofed his place and I'm taking Audrey to go meet him. Again. It's been a while since she saw him, not since the clinic. 

Nick wasn't happy about the idea but he calmed down after a while and understood why I had to do this.
Nick is at work now and I'm on my way to Jeremiah's house.

I pull up to the drive way and watch the gates close. I walk to the back seat door and open it, Audrey smiles at me and kicks her feet.

"Ready to get out the car?" I ask with a smile on my face and she giggles. I unbuckle her from the car seat and take her out of the car. I grab her diaper bag and then close the car door and lock my car.
I walk up to Jeremiah's front door and knock and ring the door bell.

The door opens a few seconds later and Jeremiah smiles at me. I walk in and head for the living space, "Your lucky she's in a good mood today. Her teething isn't that bad anymore but she's still kind of drooling." I say and Jeremiah nods and smiles at Audrey.

"I have this little baby gate, so when we aren't watching her we can put it up and we know she isn't doing something bad." I nod, "Yeah I know what it is. I have one." I say and sit Audrey down on the floor, she crawls around.

"I thought you said she can walk." Jeremiah says and sits down next to me. "She can, but sometimes she chooses whether she wants to or not." Jeremiah laughs and nods, "I bought her toys, should I bring them out?" I roll my eyes, "I don't know should you? What would a one year old do in a mansion of a business man? Should she help you with you mail?" I ask sarcastically.

"Damn, okay. No need to be sarcastic. I'll be right back." I laugh and watch Audrey crawl around, "Baby come over here!" I coo at her and she crawls over to me and I pick her up.

Soon Jeremiah comes back with so many toys and I laugh, "Okay so I got some building blocks for her, some baby Legos that she can't choke on. Um some rattles, a baby doll then a ball for her to play with and bounce around. Then this car for her to sit on and for us to push her in." Jeremiah says and puts it all on the floor.
I laugh and smile, awww he's nervous.

"Oh and I have this baby Einstein discovering music activity table, I'll go get it, I think she'll like it! There's little buttons on it that she can push and it makes noises and instrument sounds."  Jeremiah shouts as I sit on the couch.
Jeremiah comes back and has the toy and I laugh. He puts it down in front of us and I grab Jeremiah's  hand.

"Stop, this is a lot." I say and Jeremiah sits down next to me. "Audrey would have been fine with just one toy." I say and laugh as Audrey plays with the ball.
"So when do I get to hold her?" Jeremiah asks and I laugh, "When she gets used to your house and your face. Last thing we need is for her to cry when you pick her up. Just because she was good the 10 seconds you held her at the clinic, doesn't mean she will do good right now." I say and Jeremiah chuckles, "I really want to hold her." Jeremiah says and I smile. "I know. You will. She's a quick learner." I pat his shoulder and he smiles at me. 

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