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Three weeks later

Katie's POV
We've been practicing for our performance for a while now. The whole cast is excited and almost ready for the show. I've gotten closer with Anthony too. And a couple of people in the ensemble.

"Hey Katie!" Anthony yells across the stage. I look up from my phone and smile, "hi!" I get up and walk over to him. "Guess what?" He says all smiley. "What?" I say. Anthony smiles, "so I heard from a little birdie," oh shit "that Lin has been writing this new play and wants us to try out for it when they hold auditions!" Whew "Oh really that's awesome," I say relieved he hadn't heard. "What's it about?" "Not sure but knowing Lin it's gonna be good."

Anthony's POV
Katie looked a little concerned when I started talking but I brush it off. Man she is beautiful. Stop it! She probably is already dating someone. I finish telling her about Lin's idea and smile. "Whatcha guys talking about?" Katie and I jump. I turn to see Lin standing there. "Nothing!" we both say starting to blush. "Mmhm," Lin says turning. He looks at me wiggling his eyebrows. I scoff and roll my eyes. "What was that about?" she asks. "Uh nothing" I say blushing, "just an inside joke." "Okay well lets go over some lines before we get yelled at," Katie says lightly tugging on my arm. "Sure," I say with a smile.

Katie's POV
Why did Lin wiggle his eyebrows? Surely Anthony doesn't like me! But maybe- no stop it! We are just friends. I grab Anthony so we can go over lines. Today we agreed to work on "The Money." I know I'm not actually tricking him but I still feel bad for it. We finish and I head to my dressing room without saying a word to Anthony. I'm sitting in the corner curled up when there's a knock on the door

"Hey Katie, you okay?" It was Anthony.
"Yeah I'm fine" I say lying to him.
"Can I come in?" he asks sounding worried.
"No," I say. The last thing he needs to see is me like this.
"I'm coming in."
I get up and run to the door holding it closed "no it's fine, I just- needed to get into costume for dress rehearsals!" I say half heartedly.
"Oh okay," he says "see you after then?"
"Yeah," I quickly change into my costume and go to my spot.

Anthony's POV
I could tell Katie wasn't okay. I could tell doing that song broke her heart. I check on her in her dressing room after she ran out. I didn't believe she was fine. I head back and change into my costume. I walk into the stage and run through the show. We were ready. After I changed out of my costume and ran up to Katie. "Hey!" I shout running up to her. She turns to me looking kinda sad, "yeah?" "I wanted to see if you wanted to go get some coffee?" I say. Coffee always cheers her up. Katie smiles, "yeah I'd like that!"

Katie's POV
We walk down the road towards my favorite coffee shop. We walk inside, order our drinks and sit by the window sipping our coffees. "Hey can I ask you something," he says. I look at him a little bewildered "um sure." "Why did you move out here in the first place?" "Well one reason my mom wanted me to try and audition for Lin's play and the other was I REALLY needed to get away from my ex," I say putting emphasis on really. Anthony takes a sip and says "really? What happened?" I sigh and reply, "he just kept weighing me down. Saying I could never possibly make it big time." He grabs my hand and says, "I would never do that to you." I look down at our hands and blush. "Oh sorry," he says yanking his hand back. "No it's fine," I say with a smile, "thank you so much for being such a good friend!" He smiles, "anytime."

Anthony's POV
We talk for what feels like hours. I walk Katie home. She is the most amazing person ever. I hug her as she heads inside her apartment.  "Okay, I gotta make this girl mine."

A/N hey so I know this one isn't very long but I promise to try and make them longer! Still if you have any suggestions to the story comment them or message me them! Thanks loves!! 💙💚

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