The Date

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*the next day*

Katie's POV
It's 6 o'clock. I hop into the shower and start getting ready for my date. I get out, dry off, curl my hair and put on a cute outfit for my date.

It's 7:53

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It's 7:53. I decide to sit on the couch and scroll through Instagram. Suddenly I hear a knock on the door.

I get up to answer. I open the door to find Anthony with a lovely bouquet of flowers. Lilac and daisies. My favorite.

Anthony's POV
Katie opens the door, God she looks beautiful. I hand her the flowers with a blush on my face. "Lovely flowers for the lovely lady," I say handing her the flowers. She takes them blushing and puts them in a vase.

I extend my arm, "shall we be off?" She smiles, "but of course," she says a bit mockingly. "So what do you have planned?" She asks as we walk. I turn to her smiling, "I was thinking, a movie, then ice cream, then a walk through Central Park." She smiles, "that sounds perfect."

*after the movie at the ice cream shop*

Anthony's POV still
We talk for what feels like hours. She tells me about her twin brother I've never heard of. His name is Jason. Apparently they are complete opposites. She told me about how she's always wanted a pet owl no matter how weird that was. I thought it was unique, like her, in a good way!

We walk around Central Park still talking. Then we get to the Balto statue. Katie starts freaking out. "Oh my stars! I love Balto! Take my picture!" She starts yelling. I smile and whip out my phone. She climbs up next to the statue and poses. I laugh and take her picture.

Katie's POV
I was so excited but I have no idea why. I start dancing around the statue when I slip and fall. I close my eyes and brace for impact but it never comes... I open my eyes to see Anthony holding me. I look up to see him smiling. "Maybe watch were you step next time," he says as he sets me down. I look at him with a smile plastered on my face. He looks at me with a very confused face. "What?" he says a bit concerned. I smile, "I guess you could say I was really falling for you there!" We both laugh on the verge of tears. When we finally settle, we head back to my apartment.

*time skip* in front of Katie's appt

We get to my apartment and face each other smiling. "I had a really fun time," I say. "Me too," he responds, "I'll see you tomorrow at practice!" He starts to walk off. But I yell after him, "Wait! You forgot something!" He runs back in a panic, "what? What did I forget?" I smile, "this." I lean in and kiss him. He kisses back. I pull away knowing at some point we would have to stop. "How could I forget that," he says with a smile. "Goodnight," I say to him. "Goodnight,love," he says as he walks away.

I unlock my apartment door, walk in and slump against the door.

"Best. Date. Ever."

A/N sorry this is so short! I was writing this at like 11:30 at night so it's not as good as it could have been. If you want to see anything in the story please let me know! I hope you guys have been enjoying this and I'll publish the next chapter as soon as I can! Thanks!
~Kate 💙💚

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