In New York you can be a new Woman

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A/N I hope you enjoy this! It's my first fanfic so please don't be super judgmental. Warning: bad writing skills and a lot of incorrect grammar. Enjoy! 💙💚

Katie's POV
I had just moved to New York. My mom sent me out saying an old high school friend of hers wanted me to audition for a small musical. I walk into my apartment, set my stuff down and check my phone.

21 missed calls from Mama Bear 🐻 6 new messages from Mama Bear 3 calls from Linnamon Roll and 1 message from Linnamon Roll

I sigh and call my mom back.

Mama: hello?
Katie: hey mom just calling you back!
M: good! Did you make it to New York? Have you met Lin yet? Did you make any friends?
K: Mom! I just got into my apartment!
M: okay! I'm sorry! Lin told me to tell you he wanted to meet you at the Chaco Café
(made that name up entirely)
K: okay I'll text you I find him
M: okay love you my little munch!
K: bye mom love you

I hang up and text Lin

New York Bound: hey my mom said you wanted to meet at the Chaco Café?
Linnamon Roll: yeah meet me here in 15
New York Bound: okay see you then!

I open my bag and put on a nicer outfit to meet Lin.

I open my bag and put on a nicer outfit to meet Lin

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I look in the mirror and fix my hair. "Showtime" I say and head out the door.

At the café

I walk in and see a shirt man with a slicked back ponytail reading a book about Hamilton in the corner of the café. I walk over and introduce myself, "Hi I'm Katie. You must be Lin. Right?" The man looks up at me and smiles. He gets up and hugs me, "hi I'm Lin. You're Susan's daughter right?" "Yeah" I nod and continue talking to him. After about ten minutes of talking Lin starts speaking more seriously, "So I wanted you to be in this small musical." "What's it about?" I ask. Lin looks around before answering, "remember what happened down in Florida with that high school drug bust?" "Yeah," I respond sipping my latte. "It's about that." "Oh wow, that's a serious topic," I say very interested. "It is, but I wanted you to audition for the part of 'Naomi Rodriguez'" Lin says. I smile brightly, "I would love too!"

Two weeks later

I had auditioned and gotten the part! Today was my first day of rehearsals. Lin pulled me to the stage and asked everyone to gather around. He put an arm around me and shouted, "This is Katie Adams! She will play Naomi Rodriguez! Everyone be nice and say hi to her when you pass!" I smiled and did a slight wave. I look up and see a man move closer to the stage.

Anthony's POV
Holy crap this chick is hot! I move closer to the stage to try and see the new girl better. She looked like an angel.

Mental goal: get this girl's number.

She starts to walk away. I run up to her and introduce myself, "Hey I'm Anthony Ramos! Welcome to the show!" "Thanks!" she says smiling at me. Wow, that smile was amazing!

A/N so that was my first chapter! Please leave any suggestions you may have! Just know I plan on keeping Anthony and Katie together in the end! I will try and update whenever I can! Thanks!

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