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Okay so I have no idea what I want to do for my next chapter so I'm gonna have you guys decide!! I have a few options and I want to see what you guys want!! So here are the options:

Family Visit- Katie gets a visit from one of her family members she hasn't seen in forever

Date Night- Katie and Anthony have a cute date night together

Flash from the Past- while getting ready for rehearsals Katie gets a call from the person she wants to hear from the least

Okay so you guys pick!

If you want "Family Visit" comment 1

If you want "Date Night" comment 2

If you want "Flash from the Past" comment 3

I will eventually do all three chapters but I want to know what you guys want first! Thank you guys so much for all the love and support! And stay fantastic my lovelies!!
~Kate 💙💚

What the heck I gotta do? Anthony Ramos fanficWhere stories live. Discover now