Move in?

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*the next day*

Katie's POV
I was helping Anthony back to his apartment. We walk up to a huge apartment complex. I press the button for the elevator and walk in with Anthony when it arrives. "5th floor," Anthony says with a smile. I push the button and wait patiently. We arrive to the floor and step out. We walk down the hall to Anthony's apartment. I grab his keys and unlock the door for him. We step into the dark apartment until all the lights turn on. "Welcome home Anthony!" the entire cast yells from inside. I smile at a bewildered Anthony. He looks at me confused. I smile, "hey don't look at me! It was Lin's idea!" "Guilty!" Everyone laughs at Lin's comment from the back of the room. We sit around talking and eating coffee cake someone brought.

*2 hours later*

Everyone had left, leaving me and Anthony alone in his apartment. I start cleaning up around the living room and Anthony works on dishes in the kitchen. I walk up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and gently kiss his cheek. He smiles and turns to me, hugging me. "Ugh! Your hands are wet!" I giggle as I step away. "Good," he says as he flicks water at me. I squeal, "oh it is ON!" I chase after him with a soaking wet dish rag. We chase each other around for a little bit. I slip and fall on a wet spot from the rag. I hit the floor and groan. Anthony runs over and grabs me, "Katie! You okay?" He seems concerned for me just falling. "Yeah, but..." I mumble the last part. "What?" he says leaning in. "Thank god for all those acting classes," I whisper as I ring out the rag above his head causing all the water to run on his head. I get up and run into his bathroom and lock the door. "Fine be like that!" I hear him yell from the other side.

I sit inside the bathroom for about five minutes before I deemed the area safe. I walk out and go toward the living room. I am suddenly tackled onto the couch and being tickled.

Anthony's POV
I tackle Katie and start tickling her. She begins laughing so hard there are tears forming in her eyes. I finally let her go. I walk to the kitchen and grab an apple. She gets up and walks over to me. "That's not fair!" she says as she walks toward me. I turn to her smiling, "All is fair in love and war." I kiss her nose and walk over to plop on the couch. I go to Netflix and turn on The Office. Katie comes over and snuggles into my side. She starts to drift off to sleep. I hold her close and continue watching tv.

*one hour later*

Katie's POV
I wake up on Anthony's couch with a blanket wrapped around me. Anthony walks out of the bathroom smiling, "looks like Sleeping Beauty has awoken!" I smile, "sorry I haven't gotten much sleep this past week." "That's fine," he replies, "hey, Katie, I was wondering. I know we haven't been dating long but, I was kinda hoping. Ya know since rent is kinda tough-" "Anthony! Get to the point!" He smiles, "I was hoping you would maybe want to move in with me?" I gasp, a little shocked by his boldness. I smirk, "I'll think about it..." I pause for dramatic effect. "Okay! I thought about it! I would love to!" He smiles running toward he. He picks me up, spinning me in the air. He sets me down planting a kiss on my lips. God I love this man.

*one week later* (I'm writin' a letter nightly. Totally not sorry.)

Anthony's POV
We were finally getting the last of Katie's stuff into my apartment. I am so happy she agreed to move in with me. I unload the last box from the back of my car. I walk in and set it on the couch. The box is labeled Home. Me being the curious person I am, decides to open it. Inside I find pictures upon pictures of what looks like a small town and the same 4 people. I reach the bottom and find an old blanket and a small ring box.

"Hey Katie," I yell into the next room. "What?" "Can you come here real quick?" I yell and grab the blanket and box. Katie walks out, "whatcha need?" She sees me with the box. "What's this?" I ask gesturing to the two. She lightly smiles, "well that," she says pointing to the blanket, "is a blanket my grandma crocheted for me when I got into high school. And that," she says pointing to the box, "is my old class ring." I open the box, inside is a silver ring with a singular emerald. "I wonder if it still fits?" Katie asks to herself. "Only one way to find out!" I say as I slip the ring on her ring finger. "Hm, I guess it does," he both laugh and slump onto the couch. She turns to me and smiles, "we can finish unpacking tomorrow." She leans up and kisses me on the cheek then rests her head on my shoulder. I turn my head, lightly kiss the top of her head and relax on the couch.

Man, how did I get so lucky.

A/N: Hey guys! So this is a little bit of a longer chapter but I hope you guys enjoy! Please message me if you have any ideas for this book! Thank you lovelies for all the support and I will try and get a new chapter out as soon as I can! Thanks!
~Kate 💙💚

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