A very important question

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A/N: very long chapter, some cursing, and I use some re written lyrics from 21 Chump Street. Sorry this took forever to update but I hope it was worth it! Enjoy!! 💙💚

~Time skip about 2 years~ (I know I'm sorry this is a result of writer's block~

Katie's POV
   Anthony and I have been together for over 3 years now.  I was getting ready to head to the theater for some rehearsals since we didn't have a show this evening.  I was about to yell at Anthony to get out of bed until he looked at me with really sick eyes. "What's wrong?" I say going over to him feeling his head. "I don't feel too well. I think I'm gonna stay home from practice," Anthony tells me looking terrible.  "Okay, text me if you need ANYTHING," I tell him kissing his forehead. Anthony turned to me smiling, "what did I do to deserve such a wonderful girlfriend like you, Katie?" "Oh, just stole my heart, now I gotta go!" "Okay, love you babe!" "Love you too! Bye!"

Anthony's POV
   I run to the window and watch Katie jump into a cab.  I search through her jewelry box trying to find her old school ring.  I grab it, hail a taxi, and make my way to the jewelry store.  I open the door and see so many rings.  I search through the rings until I find the perfect one.  Just then I get a call... from Katie. "Shit," I mumble as I answer the call.

Katie's POV
   During my lunch break, I head to the store and grab some medicine for Anthony.  I head back to our apartment to give it to him but don't find him inside.  "That's weird," I say to myself.  I grab my phone and call Anthony.

A: Hey baby what's up?
K: No much. I was gonna bring you medicine during my lunch break but you aren't here.
A: Oh yeah sorry about that. I went for a walk to get some fresh air.
K: oh okay! Do you want me to meet you there to hang out.
A: NO- *ahem* no it's fine. I'm headed back anyway and your lunch break is almost over.
K: Okay I love you!
A: Love you too babe!

   "Okay that was weird," I say to myself and head back to the theater.

Time skip

   "Hey babe how was practice?" Anthony asks as I walk into our apartment. "Good. Just really tiring." I say as I flop onto the couch. Anthony sits next to me and starts running his hand through my hair.  "Ice cream and movies?" Anthony asks. "Please. Absolutely." I say smiling into the cushion. He gets up, walks to the kitchen and comes back with mint chocolate ice cream and my favorite movie. We snuggle on the couch until I begin to drift off.

Anthony's POV
   Katie starts to drift off. I pick her up and carry her back to our room.  I lay her down and whisper "goodnight, I love you." into her ear. Before I go to sleep, I text Lin.

Freckleface🐢: hey I need your help with something tomorrow
Linnamon Roll🎶: sure whatcha need help with?
Freckleface🐢: I'm gonna propose to Katie. Tomorrow...
Linnamon Roll🎶: awe! Congrats bro! How are you gonna ask.
Freckleface🐢: see that's where you come in. I have a plan...

Time skip ~ The Next Day

Katie's POV
  I roll over expecting to see Anthony there. But he isn't. I groggily head to the kitchen and see a note on the coffee pot.

Lin needed me at the theater early today. Be here at noon. Make sure to come in the front door, not the stage door.       ~Anthony 💙

I smile and look at the clock.
That should give me enough time to get changed. I run to my closet and pull on my favorite outfit. I grab my purse and a granola bar and text Anthony to tell him I'm on my way.

Anthony's POV
   "Oh god why am I so NERVOUS?!" I ask/scream at Lin. "Calm down bro. I was nervous too when I asked Vanessa to marry me."  "Okay I just need to relax." I feel my phone buzz.

My One and Only 💕: on my way!

"Holy shit she's on her way!" I scream. "Places everyone," I hear Lin say over the intercom.  "It's now or never." I say to myself as I head to my spot.

Katie's POV
   As I pull up in the taxi, I see Lin standing outside with his phone camera on me.  "What's with the video?" "It's a new thing for Digital Ham4Ham I like to call 'getting ready with the cast'" Lin says very excitedly. I laugh at his enthusiasm. "On today's episode we will follow Katie Adams!! Who plays Peggy Schuyler!" Lin basically yells in my face. I strike a pose saying work! Lin and I laugh.

   "Can we head in? I'm freezing." I complain to Lin who FINALLY lets me in. I walk into the lobby to see the entire theater is dark except for one walk way with its lights on.  The ground is covered with rose petals. I look at Lin very confused. He shrugs and continues to follow me with the camera. Something is up.

Suddenly the orchestra starts playing an all too familiar tune. Suddenly the stage lights come up and on stage is The entire cast in what looks like the old 21 Chump Street set. "What?" I say to myself as I sit while Leslie says a rewritten version of the opening song.

"The plan was called '21 chump auditions.' One of the people included was a Mr. Lin-Manuel. Where a kid named Anthony Ramos-"
"That's me!" sings Anthony as he runs to center stage. I giggle as I see him looking at me.
"One of the cast members-"
"I got the lead part-" Anthony says all proud and smiley.
"-was going over his lines when Lin introduced the newest member of the cast."
"Katie-" Anthony sings making my heart flutter.
"She was to play the part of Naomi-" Leslie continued.
"Katie-" Anthony, Oak, and Daveed now harmonize.
"He was in the back, and moved up to get a better look"
"Katie-" everyone is singing now.
Leslie smiles, "Her last name was-"
"Adams-" Anthony cuts off.
"So," Leslie says turning to Anthony, "what drew you to Katie initially?"
"Man she used to fall asleep during rehearsals," he started, "she was a light skinneded Italian American, long hair, mature body like woah."
"Like woah!" Everyone sings.
"She just moved without her parents for the first time to New York-"
"Where dreams are made" everyone butts in. I laugh at this.
Anthony continued "And she was shy, so I said hi" he smiles at me and continues "she seemed real cool. And we talked more."
"And I just thought 'what the heck I gotta do to be with you?'"
"What the heck I gotta do?" Everyone sang
"Who do I have to be for you to be with me?"
Leslie laughs, "you said this during practice?"
Anthony sighs "yeah! Well I texted her all like" he starts making faces while saying "what the heck I gotta do to be with you?"
"What the heck I gotta do to be with you?"
"R-O-F L-O-L"
"Who the heck I gotta be for you to be with me?"
Pippa steps out wearing a sign saying "Katie" and says "smiley face"
"Yes!" Anthony yells "Next thing you know, we're texting day and night. I trust her right away"
"Like whoa" everyone starts dancing now.
Anthony continues "Hey, yo. I never met anyone like her, bro. Yo, she listens to all my problems. We practice all our lines together. And then I lay it all on the line. And she was like—"
"Oh oh-" everyone sings
"Oh she actually said yes I was like-"
"Oh oh oh oh" everyone continues.
"Yeah I was surprised. I thought she had a guy!" Anthony sings out.
"So? So?" The ensemble sang excitedly.
"So I've decided I need to step my game up." Anthony sings happily.
"Oh oh oh oh" the ensemble continues
Anthony smiles at me "It's too late to be shy. And so I'm getting in front of the whole cast today, and serenade to her. I'm like, what the heck I gotta do to be with you?" Anthony starts doing a funny dance as he sings.
"What the heck I gotta do?" The cast sings.
Anthony gets closer "what the heck I gotta do to be with you?"
"What the heck I gotta do?"
"Who the heck I gotta be, for you to marry me?" I gasp as he says this.
Leslie interrupted, "your asking her to marry you?!"
Anthony continues smiling, "Yeah! I'm dancing and everything!"
"Katie," the cast sings.
Anthony continues smiling, "Katie! I know there's a reason you moved out here to me!"
"Katie!" Anthony has jumped off the stage at this point and is walking toward me.
"Katie! I know there's a reason this isn't luck it's destiny!"
"Katie" the cast continues.
Anthony finally reaches me and bends on one knee as he sings the last part, "Katie, you know me! So will you marry me?"
He pulls out a little black box with a beautiful ring inside.
(The ring is the chapter picture)
I gasp as I look at Anthony. "Well?" He asks. I nod my head and shout so the whole cast on stage can hear, "yes!" The theater explodes with cheers and shouting! Anthony slips the ring on my finger and embraces me. I wrap my arms around his neck kissing him saying "I love you" between each kiss.

What the heck I gotta do? Anthony Ramos fanficWhere stories live. Discover now