The Best Christmas Ever

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The next day

Anthony's POV
I wake up to the sun shining in the room. I look over and see Katie is still asleep. I wrap my arms around her careful not to wake her up. I look around and notice someone else asleep on the floor. I grab a pillow and chuck it at the person. They groan. "What the hell man?" I whisper/yell. The person turns over to reveal the one and only Daveed. Obviously hungover. I whisper again, "Daveed get out of here!" He groans again, "why can't you leave..." "Because Katie is here and we were here first." I mumble. Daveed gets up, "ugh fine I'll be in the piano room." He walks out a few seconds later I hear a bench scoot and Daveed yell. Serves him right.

I feel Katie move. I look towards her and see her starting to wake up. I kiss her forehead, "good morning star shine." She smiles, "the earth says hello!" We both laugh and get up. "You wanna head home?" Katie asks. "Yeah let me just leave Vanessa a note."

Katie's POV
I write Vanessa a quick note:

Vanessa, Anthony and I left this morning. Will text you when we make it home. I promise we aren't drunk. -Katie

I set the note by the bowl with everyone's keys and grab Anthony's. We walk to the car and head back to our apartment.

Time skip cuz I'm lazy

We walk into the apartment still a little groggy. I turn to Anthony, "what time is it?" He looks at his watch, "8:21." I groan, "it's too early!" I walk to the living room and flop on a couch. Anthony walks over and sits next to me, "wanna sleep a little longer then do gifts?" "Mmhm," I mumble into the pillow. Anthony picks me up bridal style, and walks into our room. He sets me on the bed. "Hey babe," I mumble. "Yeah?" "Wanna put on our onesies and stay in those all day?" "That sounds like a brilliant idea." We walk to the closet and grab our onesies. Anthony's is just knit like a sweater however mine looks like an elephant.

We then walk over to the bed and collapse face down onto the soft comforter. We lay close to each other, arms wrapped around each other's bodies and legs some what tangled together. We lay there just enjoying our time together. I start to drift off, but before I do I softly whisper to Anthony, "Merry Christmas." He smiles and kisses my hair replying, "Merry Christmas babe." I fall asleep, comfortable in Anthony's embrace.

Time skip

After about 2 hours I wake up to the smell of bacon. I walk out to the kitchen to see Anthony, still in his onesie, cooking some breakfast. I walk up behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist. "Hey babe," he says turning around to face me. I nuzzle into his chest, "morning." "Wanna eat then presents?" "I'd like that." I pull away and take a seat at the island in our kitchen. Anthony takes the bacon off the pan. And sits next to me. We finish our breakfast then walk to the couch

Anthony's POV
I sit on the couch next to Katie. "You wanna do small presents first then our bigger ones?" I ask. "Yeah you open yours first." I grab a bag, I open it and see a couple new t-shirts. Katie is next, I got her a new bag. I open a medium sized box to find new headphones. "I really needed these! Thank you so much babe," I hug her. She then opens a box to a new dress I bought her. She smiles and kisses my cheek. "Now I want to open my big gift before you open yours," Katie says. I look at her a little confused, "okay?" She opens the box to reveal the necklace I bought her. She smiles brightly, "thank you so much." She hugs me tightly and kisses me. She lingers in the hug. She pulls away quickly. "Okay, your turn!" She hands me an envelope. I smile but I have a confused look. I open the envelope and see a note inside:

I know this probably isn't what you expected. But my gift is big. In a couple weeks we will go see your favorite musical. Tickets are taped to the back. -Katie

On the back was attached two tickets to Newsies. I grab her and cover her face with kisses. She giggles as I do this. "How did you get tickets? I've been trying to get them for weeks!" She smiles, "well you know Thayne." "Yeah." "Well he was in Newsies a while back, and he knows a guy and was able to get me tickets." I smile, "oh my god you are the best girlfriend a guy could ask for!" I pick her up and spin her around. She laughs as I do. I pull her close.

Katie's POV
We go into our room and lay on the bed. We kiss each other with more passion and love we have ever before. "Wait you sure you want to do this? You've been hesitant in the past," Anthony asks. He's always to caring. "Yes I'm sure." "Then let's continue." (They did the do I'm not writing it because I suck at writing smut so unless you want to teach me there won't be any smut) We lay next to each other exhausted yet happy. I turn toward him "oh um, by the way." He wraps his arm around me. "What?" "Uh, you were my first." I pat his shoulder as I say this. He pulls me closer, "I don't care." I kiss his nose as I drift to sleep.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry this chapter is so bad. I promise I'll try to write whenever I can. If you have any ideas or suggestions for the story feel free to message me anything. If you do you get a shout out in that chapter! Anyways, thank you guys for the support and stay fantastic my lovelies!!
~Kate 💙💚

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