Chapter 7

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- Hector -



I wake up as I feel my head being moved. I keep my eyes closed, hoping to fall back asleep, but once I feel my head on Al's laps, I can't. I can only think of the amazing feeling of my head on her legs. That sounds wrong.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by an annoying voice, but I keep my eyes closed.

"Just friends?" Brian asks Al.

"Yes," she says, "Just friends."

There is a short pause in their conversation. Probably because he is staring at her.

"I don't think so," he says.

"Well, you think wrong,"

"Me. Erudite. Thinking wrong?" Brian says in that annoying erudite tone again.

"Fine," she says, causing my stomach to drop.

"Fine you like him? Or fine I'm right?" he asks.

"Both." She says, running her fingers though my hair.

My heart skips a beat. I want to stand, pick her up and hold her in my arms, then look into her deep blue eyes and collide my lips into hers.

But I can't.

She thinks I'm asleep. If I wake up, she could get mad at me for eavesdropping.

I close my eyes, for what feels like seconds, but I'm awoken by the sudden halt of the pickup.

I see Al stretching her arms. "Hey," I yawn.

"Hey Hec," she smiles.

I help her out of the pickup, my hands on her waist. Our eyes meet, and time seems to stop. I stare into her beautiful dark blue eyes, and she stares back at mine.

"Thanks," she blushes, and takes her hands of my shoulders.

I take my hands off her waist, "No problem," I smile, and she smiles back.

"Okay! I'll see you tomorrow!" Lani calls from the pickup.

I glance down at my watch. It says 11:54. "Crap, Al. We gotta go. Last train comes by in a few minutes."

"Bye guys!" she yells as we start running.

I hop on the train and push the button to open the door. Al is a little bit behind me.

"I got it!" she yells.

"I know you do," I say and grab her waist and hold her in my arms. I stare into the beautiful blue eyes of her and smile.

{Fourtris quote!}



The Next Morning



I wake up around 6:45, 45 minutes before the train leaves for school. I get dressed and head towards the elevator to go up to the Eaton's apartment.

Once at their floor, I see Four filling out papers and Tris making waffles. "Good morning Hector!" Tris beams at me when she notices I am there. "Wouldya like a waffle?" Tris asks.

"No thanks. Is Al awake?" I ask.

"She's still in her bedroom hun," Tris says, flipping a waffle off the waffle iron, "Could you actually go wake her up?"

"Sure," I say and head towards her bedroom.

I walk in and see a tiny sixteen-year-old sprawled across the mattress. I throw a pillow at her and she jumps up. Flaring her arms as to hit her attacker.

"Hec?" She yawns when she realizes that I'm the one who threw to pillow, "What are you doing here?"

"Waking up the lazy girl," I smile, expecting to see her beautiful smile too, but I'm surprised when I don't. She grabs her blankets and pulls them over her head.

"Al's not here right now, please leave a message after the beep. Beeeeep," she says and rolls into a ball.

I yank the blankets off her, and she tries to pull them down, but she can't reach them, forcing her to sit up to grab them. When she sits up, I quickly pick her up bridal style and put her down I front of her closet. It is then when I realize how naturally beautiful Al is. Her blonde hair may be messy, but it still has perfect highlights. Her deep blue eyes sparkle in every single light and her soft skin is perfectly blemish free. I look down her beautiful face and then my eyes land on her lips. The soft pink lips that I want to crash my lips into right now. Al hits me softly in the chest, snapping me back into reality.

"Sit on the bed," she commands me, "I have to change."

"Okay," I mumble as she walks into her closet. I sit on the bed just as purple pair of fuzzy pants is thrown into the laundry bin in her room from the closet.

I spend a minute thinking about Al's room. Although she shares it with Nat, it is mainly hers. Al has the walk-in closet and Nat only has a dresser. There are two beds in the room, a purple one in the corner, belonging to Nat, and the black one I sit on, belonging to Al.

"C'mon," Al says, as she emerges from the closet in her typical black leggings, black shirt and black boots. She has her long blonde hair in a ponytail. Although this is Al's typical everyday look, she still looks beautiful.

We walk out of her room, to see Tris and Four kissing. Al covers her eyes them my own.

"Ew." She says, causing them to break apart.

"Oh. Hi kids. Wouldya like a waffle?" Tris smiles, her smile so similar to her daughter's.

"Sure," Al and I say in sync.

We sit down at the round table with six chairs in the kitchen. Nat and Andy are already at school and Amar is at work. We eat our breakfast in silence until Tris asks, "So Al, you saw Edward yesterday?" Al simply nods her head and takes another bite of her waffle.

"What did he say to you?" Four asks.

"Well, first he thought I was you Mom, then he thought that my dad was some guy named Al. When I said you were my Dad," she says to Four, "he asked if I was an only child. When I said I was one of four, he got really surprised and started talking to himself." She says, then laughs at how her parents are reacting. Their faces in complete awe. "Then I got to go off and he told me to tell you that he says hi," She takes another bite of her waffle. "What's the big deal?" She asks her parents.

"Nothing, it's just Edward, I didn't think I'd ever see him again," her Mom says. Four nods and looks at Tris. She mumbles something in his ear, and he nods in agreement.

"I think it's time we tell them," he whispers to Tris.

She nods her head. Al and I look at each other, then back at them.

"Al, it's time we tell you who you're named after."

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