Chapter 50

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- Al -



"Hector, there is something I hav-" I start, but there is a loud crash. The building closest to us is torn down. After the tornado moves closer, I see an army of black marching towards us. I see Ethan at the front, but there is someone else in the army right next to him that I recognize.

"Is that-" Hector starts, but I finish.

"Marcus Eaton." I say.

My grandfather stands there, staring right at me. There is a smirk on his face. God, that man sickens me. He is the man who abused my father and is the man who made my father leave his faction. Well, the latter is actually a good thing, I mean, if Marcus never abused my dad, then my dad wouldn't have went to dauntless. It's weird to think that if things played out differently, and both my parents chose differently, I would still be here, but I would be in grey instead of black.

"Al!" I hear Jo call, and I turn. The others are all running towards the fence, but I am frozen in my spot. I can't turn away, my feet won't let me move. Then suddenly I am turned on my feet and Jenna is pulling me away.

I start running, but it's mainly Jenna pulling me. I hear the trudge of the soldiers in black. They were all dauntless, but I didn't recognize any of them.

God this is so screwed up.

Finally we start to catch up to the rest of the group. I hear another crash, and I duck my head. The tornado thing is right behind us. I glance behind me and the tornado is right behind us. I move into a full on sprint. The fence is getting closer and closer . Only about 250 yards away. I keep going. The adrenaline is surging through my body.

Then I hear a splat in the mud, and I turn to see Jenna on her stomach in the mud. I run, and help her up. She is trying to help herself up, but it's making the whole situation worse. I finally pull her up and we keep running. The fence is so close 100 yards to go.

We finally catch up to the others, and I can hear the tornado getting closer. It is right on my heels, and I am sprinting in front of all the others. Then there is a scream, and I turn again, and there are only four of us instead of six. Hector and Jo are gone.



- Hector -



The tornado is coming closer, and Al is running right in front of me. I am staying behind her, so anything that has to get to her had to go through me first. Then I can't hear Al running anymore, even though she is right in front of me. Then I hear Jo scream, and I turn around. Jo was just sucked up by that tornado thing, and before I know it, I am too.



I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder, and Kevin is looking down at me. He has a gun pointed at my shoulder, and it is smoking. It is then that I realize that Kevin just shot me. He crouches down next to me, and pretends to take my pulse. He is pretending to listen to my breath, and he whispers, "You play dead, or you will actually die."

I don't respond, and stare off into space, like I am dead, and Kevin stands up. "He's dead!" Kevin booms, and he rolls me over with his foot.

Kevin looks over, and then I hear Tommy yell, "J- She's dead too."

Those two idiots just somehow saved Jo's and mine lives.

I hear the army marching through past us, and most of them are stepping over my "dead" body. Then, someone swings their leg, and it hits me right in my side. I can't tell who it is but I have to keep in my grunt of pain.

I hear a whisper in my ear, and I can tell that it's Ethan, "Don't worry Hecie-Weci," he says, mocking what Al used to call me, "Al will be with you soon."

"Ethan, we have to keep moving if we want to catch them," I hear Marcus Eaton say. I want to get up, and break his nose for what he has done to Al's family, but I can't. If I do, then they will actually kill me this time.

Once I can no longer hear them, I slowly look up. They are about like a mile away, so I quietly get up and tip toe over to Jo. She looks up at me when I tap her shoulder.

"Hec!" She whispers, "Your arm!"

She gets up and is just about to touch my arm, but then she realizes.

"Ooh, yeah, I won't touch that." She laughs.

"Yeah," I laugh.

"So, what the hell are we going to do?" Jo asks.

"I have no idea."



- Al -



"How do we get through?!" Brian yells.

I don't answer. Hector is dead, Brian said to Jenna that there is no way that Jo and Hector could have survived. This tornado is too massive for anyone to survive.

I was crying the whole way I was running here, but the tears have stopped. I have gone through so much, and now to have to go through Hector's death a second time, I know that I have cried to many tears.

"We don't," I mumble, and they turn to me.

Then the tornado gets closer, and I hear Ethan yell, it must be out of his control now. Then, I turn, and I see Ethan get sucked up and flung. I laugh a little, even though Ethan probably died, but still after the hell he has put me, my friends, and my family, he's finally gotten what he deserves.

There is a loud crash and the tornado is trying to break through the fence. Jenna and Maci grab my hands and we stand there basically watching to see if we are going to make it through to our freedom, and then finally there is an even bigger crash. The wall is broken through, and I let go of Jenna and Maci, and run. I stand at the very edge of the city, the only place I've ever known, and I see my freedom on the other side. I take a step out, and a tear rolls down my face. I knew that I would be stepping to my freedom, but I thought Hector would be with me.




Don't worry, it's not over yet!!! There are 3 or 4 more chapters left!!!

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