Chapter 52

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- Al -



Then, there is a knock on the door, and in walks a tall, muscular, man.

"You look so much like your mother." The man says. Who the hell is this?

"Who are you?" I ask.

He says, "I'm Al."

Then it dawns on me, Al, my parents told me I was named after. The man who "jumped" into the chasm is now standing before me.

I feel my lip quiver, and a tear fall down my cheek.

"What's your name?" He asks me, and I shake my head.

I look to Amar, who answers for me, "Al, this is Al." He says, and Al's mouth drops open.

"Who's your dad?" Al says, and he is getting angry. Amar shakes his head. "No, oh god," Al says. Why is he so upset.

He looks into my eyes, and I can literally see his heart break. "Four?"

I nod my head, and Al turns around and punches the door. Luckily the door didn't break, but I can tell he's pissed. Then, the door opens, and in walks in a young nurse. Al pushes past her and exists the room. The nurse looks at Amar and says, "The other three being looked at now, just cleaning up cuts mainly, but they're fine."

Amar nods, and she continues, "Al, you will have to have a surgery to set your knee in about an hour, and you will most likely be immobile for eight to twelve weeks."

I nod, and then the nurse leaves. Amar looks to me. "So Four really named a kid after me?"

I nod, "Yeah my parents didn't come up with any original names."

He laughs, "Does your brother look anything like me."

"Not at all, he is an exact version of my dad." I say, and then the door opens.

I smile as two of my best friends and my cousin walk in. Maci runs to me and wraps her arms around me. Jenna stands on the other side, and Brian is more near my legs.

"Glad you're okay Al," Brian says, and he pats my leg.

I wince in pain and grab my knee, and Brian's eyes widen as he realizes. I hear Amar laugh, and every looks to him.

"Who are y-" Brian starts, but Amar interrupts him.

"Amar," Amar introduces himself, holding his hand out for Brian to shake, which he does.

"Like Amar, your brother?" Jenna says and I nod, a smile.

"Woah," Maci says.

Amar stands and says to me, "Al, I will come and get you in about 45 minutes for the surgery."

He leaves the room, and as soon as he does, they all turn to me.



"Why do you need a surgery?"

I hold up a hand to stop all their questions and then I answer, "My kneecap was shattered when I was shot," I say, and surprisingly, I feel a smile come across my face.



After about forty minutes of talking, Amar comes in with two other men. My three friends take a step back from my bed, and one man lifts me while the other steadies my leg. They sit me down in a wheel chair and elevate my leg.

I hear my goodbyes, and then Amar wheels me down the hall. "Where are we?" I ask.

He replies, "We are in the hospital buil-"

"No shit," I say, and he laughs, "I mean what is this place?"

"There is another world out here." Amar starts, and I am about to ask him something, but he continues. "Someone will explain more when you get out of surgery, okay Al?"

I nod, and he wheels me into the operating room.

3 chapters left!!!!!

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