Daddy's Princess

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"No Safaree , it's not . Ive come to realize that you don't know what you want . And I refuse to be your mistress or some shit . You missed out on your chance with me Faree , strictly Lourdes ... remember ?"


~Superpower x Beyonce ft. Frank Ocean ♥

Safaree ;

2 years later....

I sat back and watched them play as Lourdes spazzed everytime she won .

"I do it mommy !" , she cheered smiling from ear to ear .

"You did do it baby ! Im proud of you ."

Lour ran over to Nicki hugging her tightly making me smile . Times like this I really do adore .

I got a call as both of their attention went to me .

"Hello ?"

"Hey baby , you busy ?" , Amora asked .

"Nah . Wassup ?"

As you can tell , me and Amora are still doing great . Once we graduated , it only brought us closer . I really didn't plan on going to college but she insisted , for Lolo .

"Im in the neighborhood ."

I looked over to my right chuckling . "Nic here ."

"It's whatever ." , she stated bluntly .

"Ight , see you in a lil bit ."

I hung up as she looked at me crazy .

"Amora's on her way ."

She rolled her eyes standing up as I shook my head .

"Im out . Call me tonight ."

I watched her place back on her jacket and grab her keys preparing for Lolo's the tears .

As she opened the door , Amora appeared not really to thrilled to see Onika .

"In here Amora ." , I shout before things got out of hand .

"Come gimme kiss Lolo , mommies leaving ."

It took her some time to process what she said until she waddled over to Nic grabbing her face as they kissed .

I stood up ready to fight .

"Bye bye ." , Nic cooed kissing her little hand before she walked off .

"Mama !" , Lour shouted doing her signature lip tremble .

"Come on Lourdes , we gone play with Amora ."

"Mama !"  ,she still sobbed while kicking and screaming for her .

We both took a deep sigh as she smile taking her from my arms and holding her .

She calmed down instantly wrapping her little arms around her neck and placing her hand inside Nic's shirt like always .

"I'll just take her with me ."

"Ight , I'll be over later on ." She nodded coming closer so I could kiss my babygirl goodbye . "Bye mama , you ain't gone show daddy no love ?"

She lifted her head from Nicki's shoulder reaching for my face as we shared a peck on the lips .

"I love you baby ."

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