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Anything Goes x Audio Push ft . Wale ♥

Kalyn ;

(short ass chapter , so sorry)

I passed out the tokens as Nic placed hats on them .

"Hey !" , I shouted to the two kids fighting . "Sitchyallassesdown !" , I spat through my clenched teeth as they ran along . "Its ya damn birthday for crying out loud ." , I mumbled playing it off by smiling ."I hate kids ."

"On the count of three were going to scream Happy Birthday as loud as we can ." , she said smiling . "One ... Two ... Three !!!"


She winked at me as I giggled . What a coincidence , the little fuckers name is Kay too .

I walked to the kitchen to grab the pizzas till I felt a hard slap to the ass .

"Someones in a kick ass mood !" , I said sneeking a kiss in before someone saw .

"Yea , the only way to move past something as horrible as your sister ."

I rolled my eyes handing her three boxes of cheese as I got the hamburger .

"I know what she's doing is wrong but just think , what's done in the dark surely will come to the light ."

She mumbled under her breath as she left making me smile . So stubborn its unbelievable .


We walked into Chipole hand in hand laughing at her corny ass jokes .

"Oh my gawd , Chipole is my lyyyfe !" , she said supposably imitating me .

"Shut up . So what , I love it here ."

"Uh , a little too much . We ate here for a whole week straight Kalyn ."

I pouted . "So ! Its good ."

"Awww , tha baby throwing a fit ." , she cooed kissing my cheek . 

We got our food and took a seat in a booth .

"I seriously hate my job ." , I randomly stated .

"Your not alone ."

"Hate kids ."

She giggled talking about something till I gasped at the sight of perfection .

"Omg , look ! One of us ." , I spazzed pointing at an lesbian couple walking in .

"Awwww !"

"Look nic , they even got a baby !"

We watched in awe till the came near us .

"Kay , act like we weren't just starring at them ." , Nic said shaking her head .

"Sorry , their cuteness got me all scrambled ." , I stated cheerfully as I took a bite of of her plate .

"How you feel about adopting ?" , i asked avoiding eye contact .

I heard her giggle making me look up . "Did you not just say you hated kids ?"

"I know ! But one of my own , we can spoil it , jus- I dont know but I want one ."

She took a deep sigh smiling . "Its not a puppy Kalyn , we have to actually do stuff ."

I smiled taking her hand under the table . "And the best part about it is that your experienced !"

She smiled . Anyone could tell that Lourdes was her life .

"True , but adoption is a long process baby ." , she said .

She had a point . . . .

I snapped in her face and spazzed . "Surrogate Mother ! We can do surrogacy !"

She smiled .

"Thats also a task babes ."

"Alot quicker though ."

"True ... We'll do our homework on it later ."

I spazzed getting up to sit next to her as I kissed all over her face .

"Thank you , thank you , thank you !!"


40+ votes

so tha lesbians wanna baby ,

please rant on how you feel about

this . six chapters left before

book threeeee ! its gonna be the

best one out of the series , hands

down .

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