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~Mine x Beyoncé ft . Drake ♥

Nicki ;

I woke up a 7:30 to find Safaree and Lourdes gone and my phone going off . I just put it on airplane mode and got up to get ready for my long ass day .

Standing in the mirror , all you saw was ink . My obsession for tattoos did go a little crazy once I got older . Alot changed once I got older . My left hip was covered in roses , my wrist was my mom and brother , my neck had a cross , and my thighs covered in nothing but scriptures that helped me get through the day when I saw them . My feet had stars , and last but not least my shoulder had Lourdes .

I stood there in nothing but inked skin while my mind raced . For some reason , all I could think about was him . . . I could pull any nigga I want but he just makes it so damn hard . I know he would freak if he knew Im only somewhat a virgin because he's like the only nigga I trust to have it .

Placing on my clothes , I grab my keys and badge heading off to this dreadfull place I call work .


After I clocked in around back , I began to work till I noticed Kay working the Ticket Blaster . I smiled and rushed over to help her before she strangled one of the kids .

"Took you long enough ." , she whispered while helping one of the kids with his tokens .

"I know but i figured no one would be here by nine ."

You'd be surprised how early these people bring their kids to Chuck E. Cheese , ridiculous .

"Well you figured wrong !" , she whined .

I blew her a kiss heading over to the table .

"Can I get another hat ?" , one of the parents asked .

"Yes ma'am ."

I went to the back looking through thr boxes of supplies not finding shit . It was bad enough it was dark too !

"Found it !"

As I pulled out the blow up hats , I heard the door shut making it pitch black . I rolled my eyes . This is not the first time they've locked me in the supply closet .

I began to walk towards what I thought was the door till I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and lips to the side of my neck . I knew who it was instantly .

Biting my lip , I turn around feeling my shirt being lifted .

"Did you lock the door ?" , I asked trying to unbuckle pants without sight .

"Yes ma'am ." , Kay responded pushing against the stack of boxes .

Yep , tha kid is bisexual . I met Kalyn in my Creative Writing class not too long ago and somehow , we just clicked .

She's also the reason me and Drew are over . Once he found out about not only my feelings for Safaree , but also me being with Kay , he left me high and dry .

Im not tripping , she makes me happy . So what she has a vagina , Im happy , isn't that what REALLY matters ? No one knows about her but she claims she will leave me if I don't come out about it .

She came down from her high as I let her down .

"Shit , gotta go get Lourdes ." , i mumbled while rushing to place back on my clothes .

I felt her grab my face as she bit my bottom lips making me and her moan along with a giggle .

"Call me ."

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