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West District x PARTYNEXTDOOR ♥

Amora ;

I walked into my last period class late as hell fixing my crooked shirt .

"Miss Johnson , your late ." , my professor said giving me the evil eye .

"Sorry , had an ... issue ."

I took a seat next to my lab partner Lamar as he chuckled .

"What's so damn funny ? I wanna laugh ." He just shook him head licking his nice pink lips at me . "Bastard ."

The assignment started as I placed on my goggles tying my hair up and starting .

"Oh , I lost your number so text me tonight ."

I nodded not really paying him much attention . Lamar has been my lab partner since the first semester and we just clicked . He was 6'2 , carmel skin , steel grey eyes , worlds deepest voice , pure skin but ears , nose , tounge , and lip peircings . At first I thought it was gay as hell but I started loving it .

"Why you being so distant ?" , he asked . I took a deep sigh running my hands over my hair . Here we go ."Oh , Im sorry , excuse me for caring . So damn stuck up ."

"Well , considering the fact my boyfriend is in love with his bestfriend when my sister is dating the bestfriend , yea I would be a little stuck up right now !"

He smiled leaning closer .

"So how do you think he would feel if he knew you were in love with your lab partner ? , he stated kissing my hand . I yanked it away mugging him .

"Dont turn this on me Lamar ."

"Why not ? You doing worst than him ! Fuckin' niggas in the bathroom while he's out here treating you like a goddamn queen ." , he said like this wasn't a serious matter .

I wanted to cry so bad . He was right . I know he loves me and I love him too but Lamar just makes me want to do bad things .

"I dont wanna loose him nor you ."

The dismissal bell rang as he stood up grabbing my face and kissing me .

"The choice is yours ."

With that , he left as I sat there trying to get myself back together . I love them both so much . . .


After track practice , Safaree came and got me as he dropped me off at home .

"Wassup bae ."

I leaned in kissing his neck as he turned his head kissing my lips .

"Hey baby ."

"You all sweaty and shit . Turning a nigga on in them little ass shorts too ." , he said making me smile .

"I thought we agreed no sex for a while ?"

"I know but it's been three days now Amora . . . Does head count ?"

I giggled shaking my head till my phone started vibrating .

Lamar ; I'll come thru later on .

Me ; Coo , i love you .

Lamar ; lol , love you more baby .

"Who got you smiling like that ?" , Safaree asked rubbing my thigh while he drove .

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