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Watch N' Learn x Rihanna ♥

Amora ;

3 months later....

"... And I was thinking we could have purple roses ." , I suggusted . "Mija ?" I turned around to see her and Nicki lip locking making me roll my eyes and just continue to look around at the flowers . "I think the whole purpose of bringing you two along was to help me not hump each other in a corner ."

Kalyn busted out laughing as Nicki just rolled her eyes and continued to kiss all over her . For some odd reason , they BOTH have been throwing mad shade at me for months . Im starting to think Kay told her about me and Lamar .

"Uh yea , purple lillies ." , Kay said waving me off .

"I said roses ." , I mumbled shaking my head .

"I don't know why you even going all out with it . . . Hows Lamar ?" , Nicki asked making me choke on my own spit .

"Kalyn !!?" , I semi shouted .

"Nah , don't come for her ! You the one doing wrong ! How dare you sit in his face while you out being the true hoe you really are ?" , she said getting all in my face .

"Our problems has nothing to do with you ."

"Fuck you and yo problems ! You not gone get away with this ! I held my damn breath for too long ! You sick bitch !" , she yelled as Kay held her down .

I fought back my guilt tears as Kay mouthed 'sorry' while leaving with Nic going off . They escaladed quickly .

"Im so stupid !"


"Hi , welcome to TGI Fridays , table for one ?" , the receptionist asked with a friendly smile .

"Im here for Lamar Hawkins ."

"Right this way ma'am ."

I followed closely behind her till I spotted him at a booth starring at the tv .

"Thank you ." , I said taking a seat .

"So whats so important you got me here at 10 o'clock at night ?" , he asked smiling at me .

"His friend knows ." , I stated quietly .

He chuckled . "Well be perpared for more people to know . . Look , its been close to a year Amora . And I've come to conclusion that I don't wanna be on the DL . . . Tired of sharing .

I shook my head as my tears came pouring down .

"I can't just leave him Lamar ! For Christ sake , we just got engaged !"

"Then leave me .... But with your little 'situation' , it's gonna be pretty hard getting rid on me ."

I cringned at 'situation' . Im not ready , Im not .

"I have to go ..." , I said in a whisper tone while getting up amd walking out .


"Im home ."

"Hey ."

"Hey ." , I said with a weak smile .

"You good ?"

"Yea , just really , really tired . Been feeling sick ."

He wrapped his arms around my waist from the back as we waddled to the living room together .

"So , how was it with the girls ?" , he asked setting me down in his lap .

"Long , all they did was dry hump each other and then Nicki we-"

I stopped dead in my sentence forgeting WHY she went off on me .

"Nika did what ?"

"Was actually nice , Thats what I ment ."

He chuckled kissing my cheek .

"You have no idea how ready a nigga is to make you mines ."

I smiled pecking his lips . "Ive been yours since the begining ..."


30+ votes

fyi ; nic and faree did not get they

freak on THAT way peeps . keep

in mind she's still a virgin and

safaree won't let her give it up

easily , lol .

but btw , chapters will be shorter ,

i dont wanna give too much info

in just one so thats why but just for

that , i'll update quicker .

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