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Rocket x Beyoncé ♥

Amora ;

"Omg , Love cain't handle Safaree fine ass . I don't see how she kept him this long ." , Lysanda said as the chica's laughed along .

I rolled my eyes flicking them off as we walked in the mall from store to store buying irrelavent shit for the fun of it .

"Yo se por que , mija got that bomb ass pussy !" , Jessica stated as I hit her arm with a gasp .

"Ooo , yall are so damn ratchet ! You know I hate that shit hermanaaaa !" , I whined .

"We knew ha mix breed ass would fall for the black boys ! Tia always said your daddy's side would take over ."

It was true . I was never really into the Latino guys ; unless they had long hair and acted black . I know , my weird ass .

"Alright perras sexyy , I need to go hit up my baby daddy ." 

With that , we all said our goodbyes . I missed my Big Zaddy .


I pulled up to his moms crib as he and Jelani were on the porch passing a blunt back and forth laughing .

"Hey baby ."

He stood up turning his head to blow the smoke then kissing my forehead .

"Hey . Please put it out ." , i whined .

He smacked his lips nodding . Such a gentlemen !

"Wassup lil Mexico !"

I rolled my eyes at J . He was another Nicki but I could deal . Cool people when he wanna be .

"Hey nigga ."

"Ooo , Fengali ?! Gotcha girl using that choice of word up in here ?"

We both laughed . As I took a seat in Safaree's lap , him and J continued their boring ass conversation . I grabbed my phone just talking to my Tia till I heard the devil himself yelling .

"MA , I TOLD YOU YESTERDAY !" , she shouted coming out the door . "Whatever , anyway Im out .Lolo is sleep , mama leaving and Honey keep calling you J ."

"Ah shit , thats my booty call , I'll hit you up later cuh ." , J said as him and Safaree did their handshake . "Adios Mexico ."

"Bye nigga ."

"Hey Nic , Ima just be with her ." , Faree said pointing to me . I spazzed in the inside .

"Alright . Bye ." , she said flipping her hair .

She was so damn gorgeous it was unbelievable . I know were enemies and all but I lowkey get jealous over little shit . I know Safaree thinks she is pretty too . And his manish self like ass too so she was beyond perfect . My booty was 'big' but that bitch was colossal . I aint have as much chi chi's but I rocked my C cups like a boss . I also feel like I had a better personality than her though . She was so ugh . I know I was ugh as well but she was on some other shit . Hermosa cullo perra .

"Ight , ready ?"

"Si papi ."


I let my tight grip around his waist go as he rolled over to the side of me breathing hard .

"I swear we gone get caught fuckin' in ya pops bed Amora ." , he said laughing .

"You know Im in to trying new things ."

I bet that beautiful bitch would be so damn shit . Fuck THAT . I will ride yo face and clean up my own damn mess .

"Hell yea ."

I smiled feeling him wrap his strong arms around my waist tightly as he pulled me into him .

"You ever think about moving in together ?" , I asked .

I know it was random but Ive been meaning to ask .

"I mean yea but with Lourdes bei-"

"So you think I wouldn't want Lolo to move in with us ?" , I asked slightly offended for some reason .

"I mean no , but I wouldn't wanna imp-"

"Nigga if you say impose , i will beat the fuck outta you ! I would never ! I knew what I was getting myself into when we hooked up Faree . I love Lourdes ."

I knew he was smiling . He kissed the back of my neck grinding against me slowly .

"Round two , or nah ?"

"Dous papi ."


I was in the middle of writing my paper for Geoscience till I leaned back feeling something hard against my back .

"Ah dois mio , Lourdesss ." , I whined pulling out the bottle of medicine for her Abdominal Adhesions .

I stood up throwing on some clothes and grabbing my keys .


As soon as I pull up to the house , I noticed two figures standing on the porch not really paying attention .

I looked up from the floorboard and gasped .

"O . M . G ."

I saw Nicki kiss a girl that looked hella familiar but I really don't give a fuck about her . It's the beautiful bitch !

I quickly got out the car missing the girl .

"Uh , Lourdes forgot her me-"

"Don't sit here and act dumb with me . If you tell anybody about this , I swear on my Jones I will beat the fuck out of yo ass ..."

She uncrossed her arms snatching the medicine from me and walking inside .

I couldn't even do nothing but walk off in shock . . .

"Onika's gay ?"


finalllyyyyy updated . ion play w/ these

votes yall . 40+ votes again

please ! sorry for mistakes as well

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