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Touch x Stacy Barthe

Nicki ;

"Now hand me the blue , square ."

I crossed my fingers waiting till she walked over to it handing it directly to me .

"Blue ... Square ." , she repeated .

"Good job Lolo !!"

Before we could do the next shape , my phone rang .

"Hey baby ."

"Nic , you have to promise you won't say SHIT ! Im already ju-just like , I dont even know . Please baby , please ."

I giggled looking at the phone before placing it back to my ear .

"Daddy ?" , Lour asked sitting her nosey self in my lap playing with my hair .

"No this is KayKay ."

"Hi Lourdes !" , she shouted through the phone .

"Okay now tell me ."

She took a deep sigh . "... So last night I went to Amora's right after you left for work and I heard screaming so , I used my key and walked in !"

"Walked in to what ? Fuckin' ?" , I said looking down at Lour quickly covering my mouth .

"YES !!" , she shouted making me burst out in laughter .

"Um , I think thats what newly weds do , fuck . . ."

"Ohhh but thats not it Nic . . . . She wasn't getting her freak on with the hubby ."

I sat up making sure I heard right .

"Whatchu sayin' Kalyn ?"

".... She's cheating on S-"

"Safaree !" , I finished as he walked in . "Hey Faree . . . Daddy's here Lolo ."

"Ya know , he has it bad walking in on dramatic moments ." , Kay said making me giggle a little although I was heated . I knew this bitch would fuck up !!

"Meme's here !" , Mama Cheryl shouted walking in .

"MEMEEEE !" , Lour screaming running to her .

"Daddy don't get no love ?"

I walked over to him giving him a side hug . Ole Faree don't get no love !

"Got one supporter ." , I said shrugging my shoulders .

"Daddy , I wanna eat eat ." , Lourdes said .

"Ight , stay here ma , Ima run to McDonalds ."

I grabbed Mama Cheryl's hand as we walked over to the couch hitting me that Kay was still on the phone !

"Hello ?"

"You left me !" , she whined making me laugh .

"I'll call you later babes ."

"Ight , love you ."

"Love you more ."

"Impossible ." , she giggled before hanging up .

"You and that lil girl is somethimg else ." , mama said laughing .

"And why you say that ?"

"Oh nothing ... As long as your happy baby , I don't give a rats ass if she's a girl ."

I smiled . Boy do I wish my mama would have took it that easy .

"What if Im not .... Complete ?" , I asked sitting Indian style next to her .

She rose an eyebrow with a smirk on her face .

"Im in love with him ma ..."

There was total silence till she busted out on a hearty laugh making me jump . "Finally ! Look , from my understanding , you don't know who you want ! Is it lust or love babygirl ? .... Safaree was going through the same thing 'couple of years ago . Just follow your heart ."

"Thank you mama ."

She contined to school me till about 10 minutes later , Faree and Lour walk in with McDonalds .

"Here mommy ."

I take the bag and her while kissing all over her fat cheeks .

"Thank you baby !"

"Uh ma , go ahead and take my car home , we gone spend the night with Nika ."

She winked at me as I took a deep sigh . I told her about me and Safaree's little 'escapade' and all she could do was laugh .

"Alright . Yall be good ." , she said before kissing Lour goodbye along with me and Faree .

"Bye !"


"I finally got her bad self to sleep ." , Safaree said coming into the bathroom and taking a seat on the toilet as I continued with my bubble bath .

"Good , I have school ."

"Me too , changed my schedule last week ."

I nodded as he stripped turning on the shower .

"Living large and shit , gotta bath and shower ." , he said as I giggled . Ive been saving up for years to get me a place of my own and I suceeded !

"I know , boss shit ."

We laughed together . I looked over my shoulder at the glass shower biting my lip at his body ! Lord , keep me near the cross .


I placed on one of his tee shirts and boy shorts .

"Were's my baby ?" , I asked looking in the bed to only see him . She usually sleeps with me when she stays .

"On the couch . I didn't wanna risk waking her up ." , he said as I laughed agreeing .

"Good choice ."

I tied my hair up into a messy ponytail and climbed in bed next to him as he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer like he always did .

"Some things have to change Faree ." , I whipsered as he sighed .
"All the more reasons to enjoy these momemts while we can ." , he whispered kissing the back of my neck .

God knows this is not my forté but the way he was holding me just did something to my body !

"Why not forever ?" , I asked turning around to face him .

"I don't think Kay would aprove of that ." , he said trying to mock me as I giggled .

I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pecked my lips while running his fingers up and down my back .

"Im ready ." , I say reaching under the covers trying to pull down his boxers till he grabbed my hand shaking hos head no .

I smacked my lips as he chuckled .

"Don't be like that ." , He whispered in my neck before kissing it .

I closed my eyes nodding slowly as I laid back and let him go to work .


35+ votes

just a lil sum sum to get the mess

started ! what do you think nic is

going to do to amora ?

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