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Drug Money x Yo Gotti ft . Future ♥

Safaree ;

"Just put on the damn shirt Lourdes ."

She threw it at me folding her arms as she pouted . "No ."

This little girl was about to get a ass whooping !

"Lourdes Renee Samuels , if you don't put on that shirt , I will whoop that ass ." , I spat as she began to do her lip tremble .

"Safaree ! Why are you talking to my baby like that ?" , Laylah asked coming in my room picking her up .

"Nah , she need to learn she cain't get away with everything no more ."

"Look at this Faree !! You can't help but love all on her gorgeous ass ." , she said kissing her cheek and rocking her back and forth .

"Whatever , put on her clothes for me and yo fast ass need something over them big ass titties . The last thing I need to do is beat a nigga ass for lookin' ."

"Shut the hell up Lloyd ! And I am dressed !" , she whined while putting on Lours shoes .

Laylah is 16 now and faster than she was two years ago . I swear she scares the fuck out of me . I can't imagine a nigga all over my little sister . And she gotta body on her little ass too which makes matters worse . I pray this is just a stage because I be damn if a nigga fuck over mines .

"Whateva , be good and stay away from these sweet talking nigga's ."

I picked up Lourdes as Laylah nodded . I kissed her cheek along with Lolo's although she was mad at me .


"Wassup nigga !" , I shout entering the house as Lour trailed behind .

"Awl shit ! Finally my people come see me ! Is that my niece ?"

"Pookieeee !!"

She giggled running up to Pookie as they hugged and he kissed all over her fat cheeks making her scream while laughing .

"Hey babygirl ! Pookie missed yo red ass !" , he said as she sat in his lap .

"She been asking 'bout uncle Pook so we came through ."

"'Preciate it blood . This house arrest ain't no mothafuckin' joke my nigga ." , he said shaking his head as he played with Lolo .

Last year , he got his ass locked up for some reckless shit he did and was put on house arrest for a year and a half .

"I see , yo ass would usually be outside coppin' hoes ."

We shared a laugh .

"So what the youngin' miss ?" , he asked .

"Lemme . Tell . You Nigga ." , I said getting comfortable .


Me and Lourdes got back home around 7 . She was knocked out so I put her to bed as I headed back downstairs to watch ESPN till I noticed Mama was here .

"Why you ain't tell me you was home ?" , I asked taking a seat in the kitchen as she started cooking .

"Im sorry , I didn't know I had to ." , she said giggling .

"Well I figured since your never here ..." , I said trailing off at the end .

"Well somebodies gotta keep a roof over your head Safaree !" , she fired back turning her whole body towards me .

"Ma , Im just sayin' . Dang ."

She crossed her arms leaning back on the counter .

"Move out ."

".... What ?"

She chuckled taking a seat across from me .

"Move out , you don't like my late hours then leave . . . You too damn old to be living under me anyways . 21 PLUS a two year old , unemployed , no . Get up and get out ."

I shook my head . I know she was right but Nah .

"Mama , lets not get on my case . Taniesha left the house when she was 27 , she 30 now !"

"This has nothing to do with Taniesha Safaree ! This is about you !"

"Well , Whats so different about her ?!" , I shouted .

"Because she didn't have a baby when she was 19 , she had a job ! She actually paid bills !" , she spat right back .

"Whatever mama , I see how it is ."

I stood up walking off as I clenched my fist pissed the fuck off !


I pulled up to Nic's apartments placing my hood on .

As I knocked on the door , her neighboor came out looking my way .

"You missed her way earlier ."

"Ight , thanks ."

I left headed over to Mama Carols . . . . She textede she would be in all day .


"Wassup fam ." , J said as I came in the house .

We did out handshake as I took a seat .

"Nigga you always here ! Don't you got a place ?" , I asked laughing .

Lil J was living large but was always at his moms though .

"Shiid , you know Ima mama's boy and besides , cain't non of my hoes cook ."

We shaked a laugh as I shook my head .

"Nika sleep ?" , I inquired .

"Nah , ha yella ain't been here all day ."

I gave him a confused look .

"Well , I just left ha crib and the lady was like she left way earlier ."

He shrugged his shoulders leaning back in the chair .

"Somebody lying ."

"Hecks yea . . . But Ima just stau here and catch ha ass ."

He chuckled .

"Ight brah ."

I walked up thr stairs to nicki's room to find it dark and empty .

It had some of the decorations but she took most of them to her apartment .

I stripped to my boxers laying in her bed till I noticed her writing jpurnal on the floor . I read every single page till I fell asleep starring at our picture . . . Maybe I was feeling some type of way about onikafaree . . . . . . . . .


45+ votes ; endless+ comments .

uh , i caint believe the harsh

shiznit yall was sayin 'bout Amora

! Idc , I love her character . Lol .

And noooo , she ain't gone snitch

on Nic . But anywho , Yall betta

vote ! (: Oh , and the songs are

just up there . Thats what I listen

to when I wrote it Thats what you

can listen to when you read . lol

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