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Violet Happy Hunting x Janelle Monae ♥

Amora ;

I watched the two families mix and mingle as Safaree walked around cheking on everyone . I smiled when he caught my eye making him come over .

"What you doing hiding ?" , he asked kissing my cheek .

I giggled fixing his tie . "Just admiring how much la familia loves you ."

"You know everyone loves me !"

I rolled my eyes smiling .

"You know , since majority on my family is Mexican , you need to start working on your Spanish papi ."

He chuckled sneaking a quick kiss to my neck . "Trust me , I've picked up a few things from when I hit it from the back ."

I gasped hitting his chest as we both busted out laughing causing a scene .

"What you two love birds over there laughing at ?" , my mom asked .

I waved her off taking safaree's hand to our seats .

"Um hi everyone !" , I said clanking my knife against my glass on water . "I just want to say thank you to both sides of the family for coming out to the rehersal , means alot ."

I grabbed Safaree's arm motioning for him to stand up as he did walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around me .

"My hubby by the way familia , este es el amor de mi vida aquí . Se que todos ustedes estaban esperando para una boda tradicional mexicana pero todos sabemos mi lado negro se hizo cargo hace mucho tiempo ." , I translate as they all laughed and shook their head while Safaree's side sat confused . "I told them that he was my husband since they were expecting me to marry a señor but my black side took over ."

They laughed along with them as I winked at Faree .

I looked over to his side seeing them looking confused and whispering .

"Why are they whispering ?" , I asked worried .

He held his hand out clearimg his throat .

"She's mixed everybody , calm down ." , he said as they all oh'ed and pointed to my side saying 'that explains' and 'I thought she kust had some good hair' . "You know how blsck people are ." , he whispered making me laugh .

"My mother , Lolita Garcia-Johnson and my father Troy Johnson ." , I pointed out as they all smiled . "Thought Yall have fam ya didn't even know about when you say the black people mixed in on my side .

They continued to laugh as Safaree and I gave our little thank you speech . I felt my mom starring me down as I nodded at her .

"Uh excuse me everyone ! One more thing before we get started again ... Um first off , I wanna take time to thank this man right here for changing my life completely . He is truly a blessing in my life and Im happy to be bringing life into the world with him ..."

He choked on his champagne looking me up and down .

"Bringing life ?" , he asked starring at my stomach with a smile .

I nodded .

"Im pregnant ."

"HELL NO !!" , I heard Nicki scream as Kay held her tightly pushing her outside while Lourdes trailed along highly confused at her mothers anger .

"Im sorry , she's a little gone if you know what I mean . She has no clue whats going on . She thinks she's the one pregnant ." , Kay said trying to enlighten the mood picking up Lour as she winked at me while everyone laughed . I watched Ms . Carol and Jelani followed behind her leaving me speechless .

"Congrats mija !!!" , my tia Julia yelled as everyone else clapped .

"Gracias everyone !" , I said looking over as Safaree who was still in a trans . "Say somethimg baby ."

"I-I love you ."

I giggled bringing him into a hug as he held me tight pulling away to kiss my stomach . I wasn't showing at all considering I was only a few weeks but I was loving it .

"Okay , so its not really the rules but we want everyone to find a partner from the opposite side of the family to dance and talk with !" , Safaree said as the music began .

I walked over to his mother as she smiled taking my hand as we danced .

"I like you .." , she said breaking the silence .

"Im glad you do . I thought you dreaded me for the longest ."

She chuckled . "Of course not hunny , just took me a while to get it through my thick skull that he would actually fall in love with someone after Sadie and On-"

She stopped as I just held my head down . She was about to say Onika .

"Look here , 'long as you do your part right as a good ass wife , you don't even have to worry about Nika . . . Who's got him ? .... But who's able to get him ?"

With that , she cheek kissed me and rubbed my stomach before walking off .

We all know Nicki is a threat but did I really have him ?


35+ votes

lol , this has to be my new fave chapter .

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