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~Worst Behavior x Drake

Safaree ;

I stepped out the car slinging my backpack over my shoulder as the girls came left and right . These college broads be on point and all but Im a faithful nigga . . . . . well . Nicki don't count .

I walked in looking for Nika till I spotted her with some fine ass chick .

"Wassup Nic ."

She stopped laughing along with the girl .

"Hey Faree . Uh , Kay this is my 'babydaddy' Safaree , Safaree this is my babymama Kalyn !"

She smiled and did a little wave .

"Nice to meet you babydaddy ." , she said making me smile . "I'll call you tonight babes , lemme go ."

"Ight , bye baby ."

These females and 'bae' and 'baby' Hell , never know if they together or not ! The most confusing yet attractive thing ever .

"Yo , baby is fine ."

"Back off nigga ." , she said hitting my arm .

"Shiiid , I cain't . Sexy ass voice too !"

She giggled . "She sounds like a 3 year old ! But that's my baby doe ."

We shared a laugh as we linked arms walking toward her classroom .

"Wassup with you ?" , I ask .

"Me and Drew broke up ."

I did a little happy dance in my head . Yaaasss , finally got that irrelevent nigga out the picture !

"Dang man , Im sorry Nic . Why ?"

"Told him I was feeling someone else ." , she said just shrugging it off .

She walked to the door of her class leaning against it as so many high school memories fled my mind .

"I'll call you ."

She nodded about to go in the classroom till I juat felt the urge to....

"Amora ." , she moaned against my lips as I pulled away shaking my head .

With that , she walked into class leaving me there looking like a fool . Damn she's gotta hold on me .


I walked into the little classroom standing by the door as I watched her and another baby playing .

"Daddy !" , she yelled running to me with open arms .

"Hey baby , you ready to go ? We gone go play ."

She nodded wiggling herself down as she waddled over to her cubby amd got her things like a big girl . I swear she is too grown . She handed me her backpack like always and put on her jacket .

"Bye Bye ." , she whispered to the class like they could hear that little voice .

Reaching up fory hand , we walk to the car as she sang her heart out .

My little dying parrot .


"Okay Lourdes , lets go so you can eat !" , I shouted as she got down from the slide and rushed over to me .

I picked her up kissing her cheek as we headed down the block from the park to McDonalds .

She sat in my lap as she ate her food talking about random stuff . I love when it's just me and Lour . When she first got here , I hated people telling me what to do , the future and shit . Like , can I live in the present and enjoy her baby moments because before you know it , they grow up .

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