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Talk A Good Game x Kelly Rowland ft . Kevin Cossom ♥

Nicki ;

I woke up tired as hell with my hair a mess . When I rolled over feeling for Kay but she was gone .

I got out of bed seaching for my clothes but couldn't find them at all so I just grabbed safaree's shirt that so happened to be in my backpack and threw it on while headed to the kitchen .

"Good morning ." , she whispered as I walked up behind her wrapping my arms around her little waist kissing her neck .

"Morning ... I thought you left me ."

"I would never ." , she giggled as she flipped the pancake .

"Aww , bae cookin' for me ?"

"I was in a loving mood , don't expect this all day ; everyday ."

We both shared a laugh as I kissed her cheek before I sat down .

"What you got going on today ?" , she asked setting the plate down in front of me .

"I called in sick so i'll probably chill with Lolo all day ."

"Ohh , well I have school ."

I pouted .

"Just come over to my place !" , I whined standing up and walking over to her as she washed the dishes .

"Nooo Nic , I have to leave in a minute anyway ."

I pressed my body against hers as she sighed .

"And Im the freaky one ."

I giggled kissing her neck before lifting the tank top she had on .

"You are ..."

As I turned her around , she bit my bottom lip like she always did and giggled .

Once I put her on the counter and began to go low , my phone rang making her throw a fit .

"Baby wait , Im sorry !" , I laugh as she grabbed her clothes and left the kitchen .

I shook my head grabbing the phone an answering .

"Waasup ?"


I snuck inside the house creeping up the stairs as fast as I could to my room trying to play sleep before Saf-

"Dammit ."

I rushed to the bathroom but was stopped by him .

"Were the hell was you at last night ?" , he questioned me .

Taking a deep breath , I play it cool .

"Here . I slept in mama's room ."

"Okay , Ima ask you one last time . . . Were the fuck was yo ass last night Nika ?!" , he shout standing up and walking over to me .

He got so close I was face to face with his broad chest .

"You know what ?! Shut the fuck up with all that shit Safaree !! Last time I checked , I ain't have no daddy so quite acting like it !! Im 19 years old , I can go werever the hell I want !"

"Is it wrong that I try to look out for you ?! I was scared to death !"

"It shouldn't matter ! Im grown Faree !"

"Man whatever , Im out . And to think I needed you the most ." , he said before grabbing his things and heading downstairs .

I sunk down to the ground and ran my fingers through my hair .

As I began to wipe the tears that fell , my phone rang .

"Hello ?"

"Hey baby , you okay ?" , Kay inquired making me smile a bit .

"Im fine love . You good ?"

"Yea , I was just calling to tell you that my sister rescheduled on me so tonight were meeting up ."

I rolled my eyes .

"But I need you ." , I whined .

"I knowww Nic , bye I love you ."

"Love you too ."

I threw the phone across the room and just sat there trying to answer all the questions in my head . . .


40+ votes please .  ♡

so yall throwing shade at me now

?!? yall , i can't update everyday

like i used too . just not enough

time . and like i said , i want a

billion votes for this series . and

the reason i write them short is

because i hate when its like three

or four days crammed into one

chapter but if yall ain't feeling

that then maybe i should just

stop writing all together ... oop !

lol .

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