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Without You x Stacy Barthe ft. Frank Ocean

Safaree ;

"....Leave your name and number and I'll get back to you as soon as possible ."

"Amora , its been two days baby . . . Call me please . I can't take this no more . . I love you ."

I hung up the phone placing it back in my pocket as I ran my hand down my face taking a deep sigh .

"Hey ." , she said taking a seat across from me with her lunch . I looked up to see her in a quarter length shirt and high wasited jeans with her hair down . She looked good .

"Hey ."

"Why you sitting all alone ?"

"Needed to think I guess ."

She looked up at me  . "About ?"

"Me and Amora ... Apart of me thinks what happened was for me and you but then again after your little secret , I don't know ."

She giggled shaking her head . Still a little hard to believe she's into chicks . I have no problem with it at all to be honest .

"Well , like I said years ago and even till this day , were only in this for Lourdes ."

I nodded in agreement although we both know we want each other .

"So did you even tell Mama Carol ?"

She smiled covering her mouth . Only god knows how she took it .

"Lets just say , she was close to a heart attack . Told me she loved me but not my decision ."

I smiled as she shrugged it off .

"Well at the end of the day , I love you . Gay or not ."

"Thank you ." , she giggled . "Kay hasn't answered my calls all day , shit is depressing ."

"You too huh ?"

"Yep .... God knows I love that girl but she is a chicken nugget butt sometimes ."

I laughed shaking my head . "Well , she DID catch you in a nigga lap with him kissing all over you ."

"Well , your bitch did catch a fine ass guh in ya lap ."

We both couldn't help but laugh . Although what we did-- well what I did was wrong , I don't regret it at all . Its been a while since me and Nic shared a moment .

"Come on , I'll walk you to class ."


I knocked on the door awaiting for her to answer .

"Go away Safaree ."

My soft ass got weak at the knees at her just hearing her voice .

"Amora please , just let me explain . You so damn quick to jump to conclusion , you don't even know the whole story !"

She swung open the door getting all in my face scaring the shit out of me with this evil look on her face .

"Don't stand there and try to turn this mess on me ! YOU sat on that step with her in your lap kissing ! And not a simple cheek kiss but you actually kiss her on the fuckin' lips Faree ! Thats not cool ."

She quickly wiped her falling tear and rushed inside .

"Amora wait baby ." I walked in closing the door behind me and walked over taking a seat next to her . ".... I know I was wrong , but you have to get it through ya thick skull that Im with you and only you ."

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